Mecker grew up knowing that a rat (Wrecker) was saving the world, and hated the idea that the greatest rodent ever could possibly be the Rat. Patriotic about his race, the mouse obsessed over his fear, and studied all of Wrecker's talents, and even Super Costume. Being a genius, Mecker built machines, set out to destroy Wrecker, only to fail miserably and find that it is harder to exterminate a rat than most people think. Later, he made a Super Costume just like Wrecker's, only in opposite colors, symbolizing that he was the opposite of Wrecker, and would always defy him. Wrecker, being the hero and all, went out after Mecker, and destroyed his home, base, and entire Island. Enraged, Mecker went after Wrecker and got killed by him. A month later, Wrecker was surprised to find out that Mecker had rebuilt himself, making half of him robotic, and stronger that ever. He also had the ability to morph his robotic hand or leg into anything solid, like guns, knives, or other weapons, but also keys and tools. Being very smart, Mecker knew he was no match for his rat enemy, and couldn't fight him anymore. Later, alien humanoid copies were sent to the rodent planet to illiminate all life, thinking they were only pests. If he was to survive, Mecker had no choice but to help the rodent planet's leader, Wrecker, to fight the copies, and restore rodent world peace... if Wrecker wanted peace.
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An Evil Robot Wrecker
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