Acknowledgement of the Unsung Heroes
(also known as the "How the hell do I know this lunatic?" section)
Anthony Rocchio (aka. Victim): For allowing me to using his site material freely, making a specialist logo for the C4E Tournament Universe and remaining as the Site Administrator of the Collective of the 4 Elements Universe when he had no real obligation to.
Arch-Vile: For taking the time to build an custom ASP-based message board for me when he didn't need to and not charging me for his services. Also for taking the time to create an automated version of the C4ETU in case anything specific needs to be handled in that regard concerning this site. It's a crying shame that Brinkster has such unstable servers...
John Abbott (aka. Freak): For helping me track down a decent .html chat room for the site in the middle of the night and debug the site when I was uploading it for the first time. Pity NBCi have such terrible customer support and shutdown my account...
Erik Seeley (aka. Dulock): For helping me find a decent file server for the downloadable files. It's a crock though that changed their free account schemes so they have now have 15Mb instead of their classic 50Mb...
Brett Glorie (aka. Tiberio): For helping find a decent website server that supported CGI-based code and finding me a decent CGI-based message board to use for when Arch-Vile's ASP-based message boards are down.
Stealth: For helping me debug the site when I was uploading all of the downloadable files in the middle of the night and putting up with me at the same time while I was cursing and swearing at my computer whenever the upload would fail for no apparent reason... =P
Adrian: For giving me ideas on what to add to the site and helping me debug the site when I was uploading all of the downloadable files.
Gabe Robinson-Baaske (aka. Halfwitgabe): For all of the whinging and bitching that kept me going with the construction of the Collective of the 4 Elements Tournament Universe and giving me ideas on what to add to the site. Also for the completely psychotic inspiration to make a "Mad Gabe" NPC to include within the NWN city I'm constructing... =P
Greg Milliken (aka. Saith): For all the whinging and bitching that kept me going with the construction of the Collective of the 4 Elements Tournament Universe and the countless e-mails I got from him of the same shitty Starcraft Custom Map for every month that the C4E Tournament Universe wasn't up... =P
ilia: For proving to me that there were still some members out there interested in seeing the C4ETU updated. B)
SuperGreg: For giving the brilliant idea of constructing an NWN C4E guildhall to link custom modules to. Hopefully the NWN city I'm basing the guildhall will live up to the expectations...
Brett Holt (aka. Interceptor): For helping me test out the
DangerGirl: For unwillingly showing me the message boards and giving me the idea to use their boards here at the C4ETU when the EzBoards went pay-only. Also for giving me a few months of sheer annoyance before bailing from the C4E and thus giving me an excellent history line to play with in order to incorporate something similar into my NWN module. B)
And a special thanks to all of the past C4E Starcraft Division members who contributed their custom maps to the site, despite the fact that they are no longer available to download here. Without their earlier contributions - no matter how badly I rated them - the Starcraft Division of the C4E Tournament Universe would have been a very empty place.