Tachyons are sub-atomic quanta that travel faster than the speed of light. Tachyon Telegrams has perfected the use of this technology to transfer information across the universe faster than any other means of communication. It's even possible to receive a message before it's sent (Results may vary slightly depending on location and blackholes).
To illustrate the capabilities of Tachyon Telegrams, we are allowing you to send a short message to selected individuals in the universe. Even though they are many light-years away, you should receive a reply almost immediately if not sooner.
Personalities to choose from:
First write a pithy, yet witty message.
Then click on the personality you want it sent to. You will receive your first Tachyon Telegram reply in a matter of moments.
Emperor Lumpy
Oolong Tung
Krilick Nobfondle
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