The Compendium of Laws

Do what I say. Or else.
Welcome, subjects of the Empire, to the Compendium of Laws. Here you will find a list of all the laws currently part of the compendium. Although sadly they are not enforced now (stupid governments of the world, not handing themselves over to me.) they will be enforced after the glorious takeover. Laws may be added to the Compendium by anyone, although they do need to be approved by me for obvious reasons.

The format is thus: The law itself is on the left, the law's Escape Level is on the right. Anyone of rank equal to or lower than a law's escape level may disregard that law with impunity. Hence, a Level 4 law would have to be obeyed by the majority of the population, except for City Magistrates, Lords, and all others with a rank of 4 or lower who may blatently disregard that law. A Level 0 law would have to be obeyed by everyone, barring the Emperor of course.

Thou shalt not do anything to harm, defy, or in any way annoy the Emperor.
Don't kill anyone.
Don't kill anyone without good reason.
Thou shalt not abuse thy hamsters.
There shall be no intentional wasting of caffiene.
All official petitions to the Empire must be written in pirate language.
There shall be no breeding of hamsters.
There shall be no breeding of people without the properly signed forms that state you're worth making more of.
You shall report a Fat Collection Center if you are overweight.
There shall be no listening to country music.
One may not make fun of anyone possessing a lower (as in better) rank.
Telemarketing is punishable by death. Telemarketing during dinner hours is punishable by worse.
Any person may eat any cat that does not belong to a person of rank 4 or higher.