
Top 10 ways to tell if your Neighbours out for you

10.)His blinds crack open once every hour on the hour.

9.)You find a spike filled pit in your front yard.

8.)The moment you turn off your lights, the phone rings with an anonymous caller.

7.)The brakes on your car have been dislodged more than once.

6.)Everyone and their dog seems to be watching your every movement.

5.)Even your -own- dog watches your every movement.

4.)They bring you a housewarming present when you've been living there 20 yrs... and the cake has razor blades in it.

3.)On the 4th, their Bottle rockets always seem to be aimed in your direction.

2.)Their sprinkler conviently looks, and fires like a machine gun.

1.) As soon as you finish reading this page, they call and ask if you think it was funny.
