Transliteration : Do's and Dont's 1. For correct results, type in lowercase alphabets only since some capital letters have been used to represent certain characters in hindi. Try not to follow the usual pratice of starting a sentence or pronouns with a capital letter. If the letter used is one of the following, the transliteration would be incorrect. The complete list of Hindi characters and their English equivalents is available in online help. Eg. T is used for devnagari " x ". Hence "xbtxh" would be typed as "TamaaTar" Hindi Character and English Equivalent
Hindi Word and English Equivalent
2. For full consonants in between the word, it is necessary to append "a" to the english representation. Consonant without "a" will be treated as half characters. But when a full consonant followed by "a" is used at the end of the word, "a" will be treated as "yt". For example "yàg" would be written as "any" since "anya" would become "yàgt" "mhfth" would be written as "sarakaar" and not "sarkaar". 3. Vowels when used together with consonants make matras. Be careful to use the correct vowel for the small and big matras. For example : Usage of Vowel/Matra
5. If you use words from english language, they can not retain their original spelling. For e.g. "xucj" should be typed as "Tebal" and not "Table". We have tried to accomodate many commonly used english words with their original spellings. However there are limitations to this. hence, if you find that the results are not as per expectations, please type the phonetical spelling of the same. 6. If a typed character does not appear in the Hindi text preview, it is not supported by the hindi font. 7. To use yl¡ôJth with any other matra specially at the end of
the word , add ^ sign after the word. |
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