KASA is one of the largest organizations at UC-Irvine and positively one of the most exciting. We are a social club with the goal to unite every Korean and basically make make college a fun, exciting, educational, and an awesome experience. We have many events and activities ranging from community service to fundraisers to social activities and even to (believe it or not) study sessions.
5-20-00: The first ever ALL UC KASA/KSA party will be held May here for more details.
5-18-00: The party last night was NOT a success...we did not make enough money to hold Culture Night. Staff Meeting-Sunday.
5-13-00: Last night's KASA Frosh Social at Mooghen, Garden Grove turned out well. We had a record high of over 35 freshmen from UCI KASA alone! Pictures will be up soon.
5-4-00: UCI/UCR KASA's "Lasting Memories" will be the last party of the year so make sure to come out and party with us!
May 19, 2000
I deleted most of the old news so this page will load up quicker. The site will be under construction during the summer for next year.
email here if you have any questions or suggestions.
The UCI KASA website maintained by Joey Park.