The Groups meeting Zone
The web page will no longer be availible pretty soon deconstruction will be starting very soon at som epoint, but maybe there will be a better one up later. Bye bye everyone!!!!! i hope you all enjoyed the web page
Just a little reminder, but pretty soon the web page will be deconstructed in other words demolished, killed ok. The reason is because nothing has changed on it and no new things have happened and peopel are getting tired of it because of all this. However dan may be building a new web page even better than now. I will be helping out as well after he gtes it all done. So pretty soon no more web page for awhile ok. font>
Tip of the Week: Never lie, or betryay friedns cause you will regret it. And never piss or get someone upset cause you may loose them too. strong>
Group's Joke Zone ( will be up very shortly)