Samuel Hahnemann
What's the Homeopathy?

All information given here are for general information only.
Always talk with your doctor before taking any kind of medicine.

1. What is Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is one of the scientific systems of medicine based on the Principle "Similia Similibus Curentur" which means, " let likes be treated by likes". Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician enunciated this Principle. It is proved that the medicine which can cause a set of symptoms on healthy human beings can cure the same symptoms in diseased patients. This concept is similar to the "Samam Samenah Shanthi" concept of Indian thought.

2. How do Homoeopathic medicines work?

The Homoeopathic medicines are dynamised by way of diluting and successing crude drug substance to activate its inherent properties. By this way the original drug substance is reduced to extremely to low quantity. Homoeopaths postulate that these medicines act on the immune system of the individuals and thereby strengthen it so as to enable the body to fight illness.

3. Is Homoeopathic medicine act slow?

It is unfortunately a false impression that homoeopathic medicines act slow. One of the reasons for such a mis conception could be due to the fact that inspite of its tremendous potential to cure common acute aliments, Homoeopathy is being widely used for treatment of chronic, uncommon ailments. It is considered good only when common ailment becomes uncommonly troublesome and chronic, or when there is a difficult condition, which defies conventional treatment or there is a proposed surgical treatment which is unavoidable . Naturally, these conditions will take some time to be cured. Even then, by its effectiveness and successes, it has earned good reputation and patronage.

Source; Myths and Facts (CCRH Publication)
4. Can Homoeopathy treat any thing and every thing?

Like any other systems of medicine, Homoeopathy has its own limitations. Through Homoeopathy, any ailment acute or chronic, local or general can be treated excerpt diseases where surgery is unavoidable. Some of the so called surgical problems like enlarged tonsils, sinusitis, piles, fistula, kidney stone etc, in its early stages could be treated with Homoeopathic medicines to a large extent.
Source; Myths and Facts. (CCRH Publication)

5. Is Homoeopathy first aggravates the disease and then improves?

It does not happen to all cases and always, if the chosen remedy matches the patient’s need. But if repeated more than the need, it often increases the complaints, but it would subside on its own as soon as medicine is withdrawn.

6. Are there any dietic restrictions while taking these medicines?

It is myth regarding restriction in diet like onion, garlic, perfume, paan and tobacco. These medicines have been used on patients who are habituated to coffee and betel. IT ALWAYS ACTS. But with certain medicines when given, such restrictions are must. Otherwise the action may be nullified. Asking not to use paan, or cigarette are on the other hand are safe and healthy restrictions.

7. Is it a fact that Homoeopathic medicines have no side effects?

It is a fact that homoeoapthic medicines have no side effects. The term ‘side affects’ of a medicine comes from modern pharmacology. These drugs are aimed at one area of the body such as the cardiovascular system, the gut, the kidneys, etc. Though they have a primary area of action, they also effect other areas of the body. If these effects are undesirable, they are known as adverse side effects. Homoeopathic medicines are not employed against one particular area or organ of the body. The homoeopathic remedy is chosen because it matches as closely as possible with the totality of symptoms of the patient. Side effects, such as tissue destruction, do not occur under Homoeopathy.

8. Why should anyone go to a Homoeopathic doctor?

Homeopathic treatment is suitable for most people and has the advantage of being completely safe when used correctly. A Homoeopath makes efforts to see the disease holistically and that is the main reason why this system is getting more acceptability

9. Is Homoeopathy getting more popular and if so why?

Many people prefer to be benefited through natural treatments rather than by conventional drugs or surgery. Public is also anxious about side effects of drugs, or about its long continued use, especially where children are involved. In case of Homoeopathy, these problems do not occur. Studies shows an increasing number of people are turning towards Homoeopathy every year as sales of Homoeopathic medicines have more than doubled in the recent years. Homoeopathy may be the most appropriate treatment for you.

10. Is Homoeopathy effective?

Since the early nineteenth century homeopathy has proved effective for millions of people worldwide; it has often been successful where other forms of treatment have failed. In more recent years medical journals have published positive reports of the results of scientific research into Homoeopathy.

11. Can homoeopathic medicine be taken with ordinary drugs?

Always follow your doctor’s advice as stopping some medicine may be harmful and taking some other medicines may also be detrimental.

12. If the symptoms become worse when first taking a homoeopathic medicine is it all right or does this indicate the wrong choice of medicine?

Homoeopathic medicines seek to stimulate symptoms, not suppress them, so that the body will overcome the disease naturally. Therefore, if symptoms are aggravated briefly, this usually means that the medicine is acting.

13. Can the medicines be taken safely during pregnancy?

The safety of homoeopathic medicines is well known, still it is advised to take the opinion of a qualified Homoeopathic doctor in such situation.

14. Are homoeopathic medicines safe for children?

Yes, They can be given safely to even to the youngest infant.

15. Can animals be treated with Homoeopathy?

Homoeopathy is as effective for animals as it is for humans

16. What the diseases for which Homoeopathy has proven strength?

Homoeopathy has proven strength in the treatment of allergic disorders, skin diseases, children's problems, several so called surgical problems like piles, tonsillitis, sinusitis, menstrual disorders, life style diseases etc.


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