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Must known facts
Hey, I've got a few facts!!!
Some might NOT like it, but please still read it! It might change your life... for the better as it did mine!
<-- The typical look of a Coffe Shop in the Netherland. When I went to the Netherlands I did a lot of this... and hey, at the moment I didn't think there was anything wrong with it. It seemed harmless and yet it almost destroyed my life..! Well at first it was nice just to get stoned but later we started eating (first 1 then 2) spacecakes. For some it didn't do much, but for me... So later we decided to take Magic Mushrooms... Not a very clever idea!

A] 1) At first it felt great, but then within the next few minutes I had an attack... I'm almost sure it was an OD, anyway... from there on it was a total nightmare... sure I've had a bad trip before... but this was differrent... I almost died. I kept on thinking that I was dead and for the next 3 days I was walking around... sure of it that I have died... it was horrible and I felt alone and terrible. I could only remember everything bad, but every now and then It would feel as if there was something protecting me... especially when the feeling was at it's worst, I knew I was being looked after... I can't really describe what it felt like but I'm sure it was God... Helping me in my weakest moments!
2) Those who were there that night would remember what I looked like and would be able to tell you that I was really not looking the best I ever looked before. I could now for the first time understand what people meant when they were talking about hell, I know I wasn't in hell as such, but I was definately close to it! I remember praying to God (the first in a long time), asking Him that if he saved me I would be a better person and even tell my parents about the problem. I felt more relaxed afterwards. After that experience I knew that there was definately something better out there... I just had to make the decision... what would it be?
3) I did some thinking, but knew that by myself NOTHING could be done to better the situation! I truelly wanted to feel nice again and be sure of what's going on around me, but I couldn't forget the stuff I saw and the things I was thinking drove me to sanity... I've never been so confused in my life..!
4) When I got back in South-Africa most of the funny things stopped, but I still didn't feel secure and sure of everything. I went home to my parents and decided NOT to tell them. Hey, why would I - I was feeling ok and alive and why upset them - definately I wasn't thinking about what I told God, and what He did for me!
5) So that night I went to bed and was sure that everything would be fine... Why not? So I fell asleep and within the next hour I woke up, almost shaking like the night of the mushrooms, nothing was making sence and all I remembered was what I told God!!! So because I knew something would happen - for the better - when I listen to Him I went to my parents' bedroom. When I walked in my mom jumped out of bed "Have you been drinking ?" Was her words to me. "No ," I replied, "I've been doing something much worst and for that I'm dying and going to hell!" I replied. I told them all my 'secrets' and the stuff I did and the promise I made to God. They were crying and talking very calmly to me. They explained to me that I will be all right and that they would pray for me. They started praying and I could feel the peace of the God I was becoming to know much better by now, and knew that everything would be just fine... Although I still had to lay down on there bed just to make sure I'll stay fine.
6) After that night I knew that God was looking after me and I also realized that He was looking after everybody weather they knew it or not, weather they wanted to accept or not, weather they wanted to accept God or Not. They only other thing is that I was glad that I accepted God before it was to late... and I decided that I wanted to make Jesus my everything in my live! Sometimes I still felt bad, but at those times at least I knew whom to go to for help..! Some night I was so afraid and I just kept on praying... untill God gave me peace and let me go to sleep. The one Tuesday I had a really bad attack - kind of flashback - and I knew I needed help. The one friend of mine started praying, although at that time I felt not worth it, but it worked like always! Another friend of mine got us free tickets to a ChurchCamp. It would be my first willing Chuch Camp since Sundayschool. This time I really believed that something should happen before I can't handle anymore...
7) So that weekend (21'st of March '98) I got the opportunity to make Jesus Christ my savior and it was the best feeling I've ever experienced. All the sorrow just drained from my body and I just knew I was saved and going to heaven. The knowing that He's really alive and will never let go was overwhelming. It was excellent and I was more secure than ever before in my life. The 'gap' in my life was filled by the Holy Spirit... and it was great!
8) I didn't know how I could ever have gone without Him... and then it struck me... He has always been there, ready and knocking for me to open... and now I did. He would never let go again and He's proven Himself time and again! Praise God!!! Since that satan has tried to make me feel miserable... but I know he's a liar and a thieve who's just trying to make us all feel miserable, unhappy and sad. It's time to stop that... Choose God!
9) The first thought which came to mind was what would my friends say and where will I ever get nice music - the kind I like, but in a more Christian form... I got to know pretty soon that there were loads... And they were just as good if not even better than the groups I used to listen to... I started I whole new life. More secure than ever before, and it was not long before all my friends accepted me as I was, and I'm almost sure they were very happy that my typical "I'm dying - I'm bad" view of my life changed to "I'm saved!"
B] 1) I truelly hope the message got to you, for it will be the best decision of your whole life - If you do decide to accept Jesus as your personal saviour. All worries suddenly seem like almost nothing in comparison to what you gain in Jesus.
2) I know that if and when you do decide to make that decision, you won't ever be disappointed. If you still don't I pray that you will and that all good things will come your way. I would also hope that at least nobody will have to go through what I did... at least God let it turn out all for the best.

3) I've also only one last thing to say, PLEASE be carefull with what you get yourself into. The other foreign exchange students told me - afterwards- that a friend of theirs have gone to the mad house for 5 years after he ate some Magic Mushrooms and that 2 of there friends died after taking a bucket (which was my first bad experience). They safest way to do drugs are no drugs at all. You may not realize it now, but slowly and surely it does do something to you as person - and only for the worst if I might add.

Through Jesus can one really be free!!!