
Philosophy Math & Chaos Poetry
Politics & Economics Subcultures Juggling
Logic & Debate Literature image of coffee mug
Chess Writing

Philosophy- several philosophical points of contention are debated and several arguments that have been put forth by prominent philosophers are set out

Politics and Economics- summaries of and debates over democratic, republican, keynesian, and supply side principles

Logic and Debate- logical fallacies and truths and information about debat(I'm not sure what this year's topic is

Chess- without a doubt the greatest game ever created, debate over the best opening

Math and Chaos- introduction to chaos and some cool fractal pictures

Subcultures- you may not always see them, or maybe you do and you don't know it

Literature- a list of good books

Writing- a few lists of useful terms and figures of speech

Poetry- some poetry written by visitors

Juggling- not necessarily easy to learn from the diagrams, but its a start

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