Chimples attempt to make everyone he knows hate him
Jaffa donations are always welcome

Well, I've got to add something, otherwise those FC fools (you heard me) will delete everything. So, here are pictures of my friends, people I know, and people I dont know. Aren't they pretty? Click on the pics to learn all about them.....well, you can when I can be arsed to create the pages.

NOTE:Nothing on this page is true. I like everyone here. Gizzard is a really nice person.


Here is a picture of an alcoholic Barts an alcoholic, this is usually a bad thing. However, he plays Red Alert when intoxicated, therefore allowing me to win! He may not always be concious, but thats meech.


Berols a motor mechanic. Or at least he tries to be, bless him. My tricycle never was the same after....apparently, tricycles dont need carbs...but how was he to know? A picture of an alcoholic in training


Someone who thinks that she is an Angel. Though, due to an unfortunate mispelling, is often referred to as '42 degrees' CyperAngel is a nice, kind cow supporter. She should not be shot on sight, but ridiculed for her crush on Hanson. She should then be poked with something sharp for encouraging such dire music.


Nia is not a nice person. She may sound nice, but she secretly eats cows. She should be shot on sight. Nia may be cool, but shes' also a passionate cow hater. She should be shot on sight


If you spot her, run away. She talks FAR too much.... This fluffy Italian uses far too many big words. Can't understand what shes talking about half the time...


Rob likes alcohol. He drinks so much, several vital organs have donated themselves to medical science to get away from his continual torture.... I'm not too sure what this is, but I think its human....

Gizzard (scum)

Well, what can we say about Gizzard?
He hates cows. And, as we all know, cow haters eat small children. Don't try and deny it.


For someone who calls herself silence, this child makes a lot of noise. She also has slight pyschological problems, and is convinced that jaffa cakes are biscuits, that gizzard is a nice person, and that hairy nipples are the ultimate fashion accessory.


Heres a friend of silence, preet the insane. Erm, no idea what she's like, but I bet she likes cows.

Wanna be on here? Then mail me your picture!

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