~Ðå RäßßïT's mIRC Page~

OK. Here we go. Probably my favorite thing to do is talk on mIRC with my friends. Its a great place to meet new people from all around the world. Here I have put together all the stuff I like about it and my favorite channel #teenchitchat. I'm always on DALnet as daRabbit so come look for me! Don't be shy! I don't bite! Please download my mIRC script if you're in to it.


To me, this is the best channel around! Its on DALnet and its never too crowded, but its never too empty either. I love it! I just got OPs in there about a month ago and its been great. I just think its the best put-together channel there is. And if you like mIRC you can't pass it up. And you can't leave here without visiting the #teenchitchat WebPage. Just click here or on the #teenchitchat logo above: http://www.geocities.com/MadisonAvenue/1082/


And here's my channel. The lowly little channel with people just passing through. I just made it really for testing my script, but I'll start getting it up soon. Come check it out on DALnet! Its nuthin much, but it will be!


Well...all the help you need ith mIRC is probably right here. I'm in here all the time! You'll probably see me in there either asking for help, or helping other people with their problems. OR BOTH! But to me its truly the best help channel.

Below are a couple addons I made:

¤Yðùr Fð®tûñë¤

¤ÉñêRg¥ ßåLl¤

My Fortune Cookie addon for Entertainment

My VERY advanced 8-Ball addon. Over 60 different answers!

Here are my scripts:

£ñèrGïzêd Prùtëkçhûñ v1.1

£ñèrGïzêd Prùtëkçhûñ v1.1

¤tHë êñèrG¥zër! ><2¤ --------



v1.8 -=ßêTå=-

£ñèrGïzêd Prùtëkçhûñ is just a protection script, but its a great one. Even if I have to say myself! ¤tHë êñèrG¥zër! ><2¤ is my all-around script that I made for everything. Its not done yet and its only got a few things. Well...OK its got alot but its undergoing Beta testing now. The script should be done in a few weeks so keep in touch! Thanx!


I've started something. I don't know what its really called, but its where you can send me anything you need through E-Mail about my script. If you like it, hate it, think it needs improvement, or need help on something. Just E-Mail me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible! I check it everyday so it shouldn't take long. Just be sure to leave a return address so I'll know where to send the info. thanx!

[email protected]
