These are the people that I have the privalage to call my fiends. Take time to get to know them yourself.


Kevin Teel

Kevin is my bestest friend. The only one who I can truly call my brother. And although we haven't seen each other in over four years, it seems like yersterday we were polishing our video game skills with each others infallable talent. To my dear Kevin, the day will come again when we will sit down to some nachos, while talking about vidio games and watching the chicks go by. Time is cruel for riping us apart, but yet ironic it is that me must thank the same time, for it is she who will bring us back together again. Til them my friend. May the wilds of luck and love be blowing forever in your sails.

Emilio Sanchez

No this is an interesting relationship. Emilio is the first person that I met when I got here. We've been friends for about three years or a little more. Magic the gathering broght us together and the world of darkness finished the bond. No,we're not going steady, no, we're not married, and no, we are not fuck buddies. All this in quotations ofcourse. With al that said, I considerhim a good, unstable, but good friend. One day, when I'm the mad scientist I will be, I'm going to invent him a memory. Cause mad the boy forgets even his name.