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-Abbie Hoffman.
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Read "Steal This Book" by Abbie Hoffman.
Hoffman was a 60's American hero that fought for truth and justice against
the evil forces that sought to end civil liberties in America.
For his effort, he collected little thanks but ridicule and apathy from
the mainstream press. That's okay. The mainstream press is a cannibalistic
whore. And Abbie is my all-time favorite American political superhero.
To be fair, Abbie sometimes acted like he suffered one blow to the head
too many. He declared "war" on angry coppers as he fought hard to regain
personal freedoms lost during the Cold War. This was very dangerous to his
personal health. He got beat up by cops for speaking out. People considered
him to be dangerous. And he was. Abbie was constantly tailed by the Feds.
Abbie knew that life in post World War II Pig America was a living Hell.
He resolved to change it. Abbie felt the American government should exist
for the good of the people. And not the other way around like it does. Abbie
worked his magic by speaking to student groups, organizing, and clowning
around in matters of national security. This culminated in the now famous
Chicago 7 trial.
Abbie smoked pot, snorted cocaine, and made revolution his lifestyle of
choice. He wanted to seize power. He thought Che Guevarra was cool. He wrote
a bestseller even though it was blacklisted from every major bookseller
in America.
But young Americans in the 60's, fired up from the 50's romantic notions
of motorcycles and speed-fueled rebellion, turned defeatist in the final
hours of the social battle. The overturn of the status quo failed and Abbie
was disconcerted. Pig Nation had won the war. And Pig Nation still rules
America went from Global Zero to World Power in a very short period. During
this time, the original intentions of the peace-loving, protectionist United
States went to Hell. We started getting involved in more wars. These were
the "kill a commie for Christ" days of Korea and Vietnam.
This basically forced millions of mild-mannered, would-be communists to
act like they loved America regardless of its policies. Parents were afraid
to discuss their political views with their own children for fear of losing
their jobs. Smart people had to shut up and be led by half-wits like Nixon.
Freedom was only for capitalists and conservatives now.
Abbie Hoffman ended up on trial facing charges of National Conspiracy. He
was honored. Abbie was finally face to face with the enemy. In the 50's,
McCarthy's HUAC (House Unamerican Activities Commission) was used as a vehicle
to prosecute communists and to ruin their careers. The evil and stupid Ronald
Reagan was an early informant to McCarthy. He ratted out Hollywood, became
a Republican, and a champion for nuclear supremacy.
Yeah, Ronnie Raygun.
By 1973, the revolutionists were taking Quaaludes and dreaming about gay
disco. Retired hippies were taking corporate jobs and having babies. Then
came the brain dead children of McDonald's food and Reaganism. Everyone
started saying no to drugs. Everyone started saying yes to nuclear bombs.
For the first time in American history, stock brokers were sexier than rock
Abbie Hoffman couldn't deal. He spent the 80's reflecting on his many social
victories and failures. And writing books. Any book you can track down by
him is worth reading. He mainly writes about his own life experiences and
what he believes in.
In an enlightened future, Abbie Hoffman will probably be remembered as a
60's folk hero. He was one of the brave souls who spoke out publicly against
the American fascism that mysteriously arose after World War II.
Abbie Hoffman committed suicide in 1989 (coincidentally the same year that
George Bush took office as President).
I will always love Abbie. One day when the American war mongers all die,
he will get the reverence he deserves. I hope I live to see it.
- Ooh the Sloth 456 :PaxAcidus.