If you hung around me long enough you'd know I like to bitch about everything
under the sun and I want a world-wide fourum to do it on. ABC, CBS, NBC,
& FOX won't give me my own show "Bitchin': a slacker's unique perspective
on the world", so I'm taking it to the web.
Bitch #1 The Alabama State "EDUCATION" Lottery
All theese damn "Christian" do-gooders are hammering the same stupid
point about it: "People will spend their whole paychecks on lottery tickets!"
I say: "FUCK THEM!" If they're so fucking stupid they would spend a week's
pay on $1.00 lottery tickets hoping they will score big, THEY'RE TO STUPID
Bitch #2 People telling me to tone my language down.
What the fuck right does goddamn anyone have to fucking tell my ass
to tone my so-called fucking abusive fucking language down? Fuck them!
Shit, if I want to say: fuck, shit, damn, ass, motherfucker, piss, sucks,
et cetera why the fuck can't I? If you don't fucking like it fucking stick
your fucking head up your fucking shithole and fucking jump motherfucker!