My senior year was an especially complicated time in my life. It was during this time, that I had to face the reality of life after college.  I did this while taking some of my hardest classes to date and holding the office of vice-president of Psi Chi.  Yet, as you can see below, I still found some time for some fun!

If you do it right, you might even get to live in a place with this much booze.

This picture was taken in my room in Summitt Hall.

It was known as the 226 Pub.

Tailgating is a fine tradition at WVU.

Amazingly, the town's open container laws seem to disappear for football games.

If you've never tailgated a Mountaineer game, you don't know what you're missing.

Sometimes strange things just kinda happen in Morgantown.

But there is always plenty of cold brew to go around

Sadly though, the day came when I had to graduate.
Yes, that means that some of us do get degrees and leave Morgantown.

Some of my closest friends from home came up for the illustrious day.

I hope you all get a chance to eat your diploma like I did.

I hope you've enjoyed this glimpse into my life as an undergraduate student.
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