As the Canines were developing their infamous 'V' series starfighters, they were also building massive capital ships with which to travel interstellar distances and also to carry their fighters into combat. The largest and most powerful of these is the Y-Class Heavy Cruiser.

Most Canine fleets have these cruisers as their command ships. They are fairly large; though not as big as most ships in the same class, but the Y-Class Cruiser makes up for this with its heavy armament and fighter squadrons. An average Canis Heavy Cruiser is 460 meters long; twice as long as the KDY Nebulon B-Class Escort Frigates, but shorter than other cruisers like the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers and MC-80 Class Mon Calamari Star Cruisers.

The Y-Class Heavy Cruiser is armed with 12 heavy turbolaser batteries. The batteries below the bridge and on the bottom of the ship are fixed, but the other ten are able to fire in any direction. The twenty-four laser cannons are located in four blisters; a design also found on Dreadnaughts and Mon Calamari Star Cruisers. Two are located in the front of the vessel that; when aided by the more powerful turbolasers, allow the cruiser's fighters to return safely to the hanger. The other two are located on the top of the ship. The ship lacks a tractor beam but as many as twelve can be fitted on various points throughout the ship. The ship's only blind spot is the rear where there are no guns; another reason why the Y-Class Cruiser relies on its fighters.

A standard Y-Class Cruiser is capable of carrying sixty fighters. Most of the middle section of the ship is taken up by the large hanger. Racks are available for fighters without landing gear (ie: TIE's) and there are also four designated shuttle landing areas. Repair facilities are on board and are usually stocked up with any possible replacement parts that may be needed. The fighter complement usually includes V-26's, 34's, and V-40 "Foxx's"; and just recently the V-45. Other Y-Class Cruisers have had the interior decks and most of the armament removed for the purpose of turning it into a flying hanger, capable of carrying up to 150 fighters.

The first Y-Class Heavy Cruiser was completed as the V-45 "Wolf Wing" was having its weapons loaded and tested. After the first tests, it was christened the Nenana and established into the Great Canis Fleet as their first heavy space cruiser and later as the GCF flagship. The Great Canis Fleet was later named the Royal Canis Navy.

The Nenana survived the Empire's attack and was the first ship to arrive at the Rebel fleet. It is under the command of General Doc Ramus, who has taken the Nenana into battle many times and is always eager to mark down a few more victories. The crew of the Nenana is a group of highly trained engineers, communications officers, gunners, pilots, and hundreds of enlisted officers. Together they ensure that the Nenana runs smoothly and efficiently, and also ensure that the ship returns from battle in one piece.

At the present time, there are four Y-Class Heavy Cruisers in the main Rebel fleet. Over thirteen are spread throughout the galaxy.

Technical Specs For The Royal Canis Navy Y-Class Heavy Cruiser

Name/Model: Y-Class Heavy Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Royal Canis Navy Space Fleets
Combat Designation: Heavy Cruiser/Fighter Carrier
Length: 460 meters (.46 kilometers)
Crew: 749 (60 pilots, 617 officers, 72 gunners)
Carrier Version: 246 (150 pilots, 84 officers, 12 gunners)
Weapons: 12 Canis Weapons Corps. Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 24 CWC Anti-starfighter laser cannons (six mounted in four weapon's blisters), (may also be equipped with 12 tractor beam projectors)
Starfighter Squadrons: (Standard) Two V-24, Two V-36, and One V-40 (most recent have no V-24's which have been replaced by Two V-45 squadrons)
Carrier version: up to two full wings of fighters (150 fighters)

Royal Canis Navy