The beautiful, third planet in the Lupus system. My home: Canis. I remember the many lessons in school on how our planet was supposedly build. Many billions of years ago, a violent explosion destroyed a nearly star. The fiery rocks and molten material drifted for many lightyears, over a period of thirty billion years until they eventually came together to form a huge planetiod. Since nature could not possibly create an perfect circle, my planet became a warped sphere; burning and spinning in space.

Over a period of many more millennia, the planet matured. Gas clouds began to produce water, as well as an atmosphere. Oxygen was created. Then the first signs of life appeared. First as tiny microbes, then as larger amimals. From them my species evolved. We are known to humans as Canis Lupus; or more commonly known as wolves. Unlike wolves from the human homeworld; Earth, we are bipedal, and have developed a high intelligence. Personally, I'd rather walk down the street for a burger than to run a Kathruk to exaustion! Our basic life cycle lasts about 240 years, but the oldest Canine ever to live was 287.

Our civilization has grown in leaps and bounds. The first contact with other planets came when a life pod crashed on our planet approximately 134 years before I was born. My grandfather has told me the story many times. The two creatures in the pod died shortly after the crash. Our scientists began to examine the bodies and also began disassembling their spacecraft. We learned many things in the years that followed. Our first operational flying machine; the "HawkBat 9000", flew in the year 3056 (my planet's years). It was very spectacular to see; that is, with recordings made at the time. I would not be born for another 100 years.

During that 100 years, my people grew more aware of other beings in the galaxy, other than ourselves. We formed a government, ruled by two pair-bonded wolves; the Alpha Pair. They would rule until a stronger pair-bond could overthrow them. There were forty-three pair-bonds since the first, and we are now living in peace and harmony. One of our biggest achievements was when we sent a small probe into space to monitor our planet. We could make out details on Canis that had never been seen from such a point of view! The magazines I have read and films I watched in school were very nice, I loved my planet. I loved it enough to fight for it!

When I turned 42 (young for our species; around 20 human years), I joined the Flight Cadet Corps. We flew those rickety "HawkBat 9000"'s to try to hone our skills in preparation for the Governments new fighter; named the V-1 (no specific nickname was ever given, and all records have been lost) When I first saw it, I was amazed. Who could believe that we have evolved so much top have been able to build such a thing. It was a small box-like ship with three wings, a long tail, and a big jet engine. It was quite an experience, and different from the prop driven `9000'.

As the newer ships in the `V' Series were developed and deployed, I was one of the first to fly each one. I even met the designer of the V-40 Foxx; a very lovely looking Canine named Jheena Acou. She and I met often and eventually fell in love. But my duties often prevented me from seeing her. I had to decide between the two loves in my life: Jheena, or flying. Of course I chose Jheena (what kind of guy do you think I am?!)

A few years after I left, the Royal Canis Navy was developed. By that time we had three fighters, three cruisers; all making up a fleet of 234 ships. We had gone from primitive, to enlightened, to flight, and now we had the means to protect ourselves. But the threat of outside invasion was still lingering in the back of our minds.

In the year 3221, the Galactic Empire; through the information transmitted by a space probe, discovered our planet. In its mad quest to control every planet in the galaxy, they sent out a fleet consisting of seven Imperial-Class Star Destroyers and hundreds of fighters. Fortunately we had discovered the probe and I was recalled for duty; active immediately! As I bade goodbye to my dear Jheena and our three cubs, I felt in a way I had never felt before. We had always lived in peace and harmony, unhindered by any living thing. Now, as the Imperial fleet emerged from hyperspace, I understood the feeling; it was a mixture of sadness, and rage.

I was assigned a V-40 Foxx; my favorite ship; thank you Jheena. I was given third position in a squadron of six. We were assigned two objectives: 1) To escort the V-36 Squadron Strike 7 against the Imperial Capital Ships, and 2) To cover any and all capital ships by destroying the enemy fighters. I was eager to repel the invaders and thus; as stated by my flight leader after the battle "became very cocky. He was like a machine; fearless and modivated!"

As my friends and collegues fought and died around me, I continued to fight against the invaders. I had racked up 7 kills, and so far the mission was going well. I remember an old friend of mine; a Canis breed of husky named Shouk, who was flying his V-36 against one of the Imperial Star Destroyers. He was under heavy fire, but I could do nothing because my designated flight was still attacking another Imperial ship. I fought myself; as well as my orders, trying to decide what to do. I could not allow another of my friends to die! I broke formation and engaged the enemy fighters. My shields took heavy damage and one of my engines died, but the enemy fighters were destroyed and Shouk finished his attack run and successfully destroyed the heavily damaged Star Destroyer. The screaming and cheering ringing through my headset forced me to switch it off.

After another hour and a half of fighting, my shields had taken massive damage. I had racked up 24 kills and they were coming. Our cruisers were holding up well against the massive capital sjips of the Empire. I was never in the thick of the fighting, but after chatting with my friends on some ofthe cruisers that were they said it was like standing in a rinstorm and trying not to get wet. The laser cannons and turbolasers were firing non-stop the whole time. Several ships nearby went down, but others survived. Another Star Destroyer went exploded. Then, a TIE Interceptor crashed into my ship and my shields dropped. I was a sitting duck without them! Then a flight of three TIE Fighters came towards me. I knew my time had come. I turned my fighter to face them.

Luckily, a flight of V-45's were passing by and they assisted. I was flying shieldless in a heavy combat zone. I had two choices: either bug out or try my luck. I decided to head for the nearest cruiser and steal a new fighter. No use risking never seeing Jheena again. The nearest ship was a Canine Heavy Cruiser; the Nenana. I docked and requested another fighter, but I was denied. Direct orders to keep me grounded after my little stunt with Shouk and the flight group. Apparently we had lost two bombers and one of the V-40's were destroyed and they were holding me responsible.

All I could do was stand in the hanger of the cruiser as the fighting continued around me. I saw many Canine and Imperial ships destroyed. Laser blasts shot by, explosions were everywhere! I saw a flight of V-24's come under attack from a squadron of Assault Gunboats. Three seconds later they were nothing but flaming wreckage.

For another forty minutes the battle raged on. Though I didn't know it, the Empire had launched ground forces on most of the major cities. One of them; New Tundra, was my home, and home to my mate and cubs. After waiting for what seemed like forever, the battle was over. The remaining Imperial ships retereated and our forces regrouped. The total loses were astounding. We had lost nearly 3/5 of our fleet; mainly fighters and smaller cruisers. Only two of my flight made it back in one piece. The important thing was that I had survived. And all I have to show for it is a piece of metal pinned on my dress uniform they call a Medal of Bravery; meant for individuals fighting in combat against impossible odds. A new order issued after the battle.

Many of my friends died in that battle. It had turned this cocky young pup into a grown wolf. I still remember the worst of it. Even in my nightmares I can hear the screams of dying pilots. I had to stay aboard the cruiser while losses were counted and damages were assessed. I was court marshaled for my actions that caused the deaths of my teammates, and was promised that I would never fly again. I was not very saddened by the fact; besides, I still had my Jheena.

I returned to the half destroyed city of New Tundra to see if my family had survived as well. I returned to my dwelling only to find it as a heap of rubble. Using my sense of smell I was able to quickly find Jheena. She was pinned under a steel beam and half buried with debris and covered with blood. My pups lay nearby. I knew she was dying. I begged her not to die, but it was too late. The last thing she said to me was "I love you----" As she lay limp in my arms, I threw back my head and howled. That was the final blow. I had lost everything important to me! My friends, my family, and my flying. I could never live the same way again!

I decided to go and live in the quiet hills on the other side of the planet; in a section untouched by the Empire's AT-AT walkers. I built a small cabin by hand and lived there for many years. I began to drop mentally to the level of my ancestors; the feral wolves of Canis. I developed heightened senses and strength. I lived in peace, once more unhindered by any living thing. And I have lived there ever since.

Date: The Year 3247 of the planet Canis

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