The V-40 was the fourth fighter in the infamous `V' series; preceding the V-1, V-26, and the V-34. The V-40 was faster and had a stronger shield projector as well as a reinforced hull that could absorb incredible damage; but it was underarmed compared to its sister ships.

The V-40 was designed by Jheena Acou. She had studied the earlier designs in flight; as well as on paper, and discovered many flaws with the design. She removed the upper wings and moved the lower wings up and back, as well as elongating them with a small curl at the ends, shortened the fuselage, added another engine, and placed two stabilizers on the bottom beneath the engines. This design was first flown as a three-foot long model. It glided gracefully through the air and landed softly over sixty meters from the launch ramp. A contract was signed and the V-40 was soon put into production.

The V-40 "Foxx" fighter is armed with two laser cannons, a pair of double light repeating blaster cannons, and a single concussion missile launcher. The laser cannons are of medium power; easily capable of destroying a TIE Fighter, and are relatively successful against larger vessels. The light repeating blasters are for strafing ground targets that may include small buildings, assault vehicles, troop carrier convoys, as well as troops themselves. The concussion missile launcher is in an ideal place; in the nose of the ship. It can lock on in 2/3 the time it takes the Alliance A-Wing and can fire at a ship 45 degrees from the cockpit at a range of 10 meters and still hit it. For defense the V-40 has a small deflector shield projector rated at 40 SBD (which has no connection to the name of the ship).

The "Foxx" is powered by three Lupus F-90 Fusion Engines and are capable of matching the speed of a TIE Interceptor. The extreme power behind these engines are kept in check by a pair of stabilizers located on the bottom of the ship. They keep the craft stable during atmospheric flight, but serve little or no purpose during space combat. Canis weapons engineers added an extra pair of laser cannons to the stabilizers for "space only" fighters, but during testing the stabilizers were blown off and the idea was scrapped.

The V-40 gets its power from a Canine Fission Industries J-527 Ion Fission Reactor; not much less powerful than the Alliance Y-Wing's fission core. It powers all systems; weapons, shields, life support, and other important systems. Unlike the other fighters in the `V' series, the V-40 lacks a power distribution system. This allows the ship to direct power to any part of the ship (ie: if shield power is low, divert power from lasers to shields while keeping lasers at increased or maximum recharge rate). This meant that the pilot could not recharge shields during combat. Once his shields were depleted, he would be a sitting duck!

The V-40 got its first real taste of action when the Empire discovered Canis and sent a fleet of Star Destroyers to take control of the planet. By then the once nearly defenseless planet had built a massive fleet made up of the `V' series fighters; by then the new V-45 had been deployed, Y-Class Heavy Cruisers, J-Class Light Frigates, and Canis Beowulfe Corvettes. The Empire was fought back and forced to retreat; at the cost of many Canis ships including 27 V-40's.

A few months later, the Alpha Pair decided to join the Rebel Alliance in its fight against the Empire. They sent many ships, as well as fighters; including 123 V-40 "Foxx" fighters. They now serve in over seventy Rebel and Canine cruisers in as many as five Rebel fleets. The V-40 has been fairly useful to the Alliance and are often used in place of the new Alliance A-Wing Fighter/Interceptor. Its interception capabilities as well as its speed have made it an invaluable escort ship. Many successful raids have been performed against Imperial targets; including a mission in which a single V-40 swept a mine field consisting of over 100 mines.

Technical Specs For The Royal Canis Navy V-40 "Foxx"

Vessel Type: V-40 Foxx
Designer/Manufacturer: Royal Canis Navy Space Fleets
Combat Designation: Light Attack Fighter/Interceptor
Crew: One pilot
Power System: Canine Fission Industries J-527 Ion Fission Reactor
Propulsion System: Three Lupus F-90 Fusion Engines (Rated at 340 KTU)
Flight Control System: Subpro NH-2 Flight Control Avionics package
Maneuverability Rating: 90 DPF
Navigation: Sien Corp. DF-73 Navicomputer
Hyperdrive: Lupus HT-224 Motivator Drive Unit
Sensor Systems: LR/SR Phased Tachyon Detection Array (PX-5x)
Targeting Computer: Sien Corp. 48-X9 Laser/Projectile Target Lead Tracking Computer
Weapons: Two Canis Weapons Corps 1X2 Laser Cannons, Two CWC NBX Double Light Blaster Cannons, One Dymek HM-4 Concussion Missile Launcher (eight missiles)
Defenses: Forward/Rear Projecting Canis Navy Corporation RAQ Deflector Shield Generator (rated at 40 SBD)
Steel Alloy Hull (rated at 30 RU)

Royal Canis Navy