The second installment in the `V' series, the V-24; while an improvement on the V-1, was still a poor quality fighter. It needed a catapult-type launch ramp that was 73% successful in getting the ships into the air. Once there, the ships had rather poor maneuverability. The engine was relatively weak and could not perform as expected. The limited armament made it a bad dogfighter. The V-24's designer; Rano "Skylift" Borskman, was determined to make it a formidable fighter.

To start off, Rano took the weak airframe and filled it with supports, and then layered the hull with armour plate. To accomodate the increase in weight, a more powerful engine was added. This change in the design made it more sturdy and faster as well, but it still lacked maneuverability and necessary armament. He hired many new engineers to work day and night to increase the performance of his `dream ship'.

To solve the problem of maneuverability, the team added a large tail fin and a pair of wings; each (excluding the tail fin) are approximately 2.6 meters in length. This allowed army strategists an able spot to mount weapons, but where to mount them was the problem, and what type of weapons?

The V-24 is the weakest of all the `V' series fighters, armed with only a pair of medium blaster cannons; giving it about as much punch as an All-Terrain-Scout-Transport's blasters. It does have the ability to shoot down un-shielded TIE's as well as shielded fighters, but with the low powered blasters (low powered compared to normal starship lasers) it takes much longer, and TIE's have sometimes been able to escape after about five hits and realizing that they were being shot at!

Its deflector shield is extremely weak, and the ship is easily destroyed. The most protection it gest is from the massive armour plating installed by Rano. It is powered by a Canine Fission Industries C-0037 ion fission reactor; which was a new prototype that the CFI was working on that led to the development of the `J' class fission reactor. This reactor powers all ship systems; mainly life support, weapons, shields, and other vital systems.

The V-24 has no targeting computer, rather it relies on an ancient concept with which a set of crosshairs are mounted in the cockpit indicating were the gun's fire would go. This has been a development that has made it a very formidable fighter. Most pilots wait for their targeting computer to either light up or lock on to the target. All a V-24 pilot has to do is line up his crosshairs and fire!

During the Battle of Canis; when the Empire attacked, most of the V-24's were massacred. Their weak shields could not stand up to the concussion missiles fired from Assault Gunboats and TIE Bombers. They were very important though. They were given orders to escort the heavy fighters and bombers (the V-36's and V45's) while they attacked the Imperial Star Destroyers. The V-24's scored a total of 67 enemy kills.

When the Royal Canis Navy joined the Alliance fleet, 45 V-24's were sent. They are completely obsolete, and are rarely used. The most action the Rebel V-24's have seen was during a scramble mission where an Imperial Frigate discovered the Rebel fleet and began to launch TIE's. The attackers were fended off; at the cost of six V-24's.

Technical Specs For The Royal Canis Navy V-24 "Coyote"

Vessel Type: V-24 Coyote
Designer/Manufacturer: Royal Canis Navy Space Fleets
Combat Designation: Light Attack Fighter
Crew: One pilot
Power System: Canine Fission Industries C-0037 Ion Fission Reactor
Propulsion System: One Lupus F-46 Fusion Engines (Rated at 240KTU)
Flight Control System: Hyperfleets Inc. ZX-3 Flight Control Avionics package
Maneuverability Rating: 85 DPF
Navigation: Black Hole GG7-Mk3 Navicomputer
Hyperdrive: None
Sensor Systems: SR Laser Sweep Sensors
Targeting Computer: None
Weapons: Two Canis Weapons Corps Medium Blaster Cannons
Defenses: Forward/Rear Projecting Canis Navy Corporation BX-9 Deflector Shield Generators; (rated at 33 SBD) Armour Plated Hull (rated at 35 RU)

Royal Canis Navy