The Canines were by now designing dozens of new variants for the moderately successful V-24 "Coyote". Most were named (V-25, V-27, V-30) but they were scrapped due to outrageous ideas or flaws in the designs. The first successful `V' fighter after the V-24 was the V-36 "Hybrid"

The name was first devised after a renowned spacecraft designer; Siun Weibb, from the planet Sullust, encountered a group of renegade hybrids on Canis. Hybrids were considered treacherous, untrustworthy, and very dangerous. What better way to inspire fear in an opponent that to name a fighter after such an evil breed of Canine.

Siun took the V-24 and studied it for hours. He took the wings and elongated them, then he added more weapons and put the engines in a location that would allow maximum lift for the X-shaped fixed wing design; much like the S-foiled Incom X-Wing starfighter. That had been a major problem with the V-24; it performed well in space, but the location of the engines never allowed enough power for it to be a successful ground attack fighter. The V-36 excels in both space combat as well as ground attack.

The "Hybrid" is armed with two laser cannons, two ion cannons, and two proton torpedo launchers. The lasers are fairly low powered, but can still take out TIE Fighters as well as larger capital ships. The ion cannons; when used in conjunction with the laser cannons and/or torpedo launchers can quickly disable even Imperial Star Destroyers as well as small ships like Frigates or Corellian Corvettes. The dual proton torpedo launchers are heavily loaded. Most of the aft fuselage is used as a warhead magazine. It is capable of carrying 24 torpedoes; and the launchers can also be quickly modified to fire other kinds of warheads including concussion missiles (with a payload of 32) and other ship-to-ship homing projectiles.

For defense, the V-36 is equipped with a forward/rear/side projecting deflector shield generator. After studying the legendary "Trench Run", the Canines developed a type of side-projecting shield that would protect the ship from lasers fired from 3 and 9 o'clock; instead of depleting the forward or rear shields. Each projector is linked to a single power generator; which is patched into the main fission core. With totally independent projectors, the V-36 can take more hits than the average fighter. Each deflector shield projector is capable of generating an energy field rated at 45 SBD, for a total of 180 SBD. It also has a steel alloy hull; rated at 20 RU, which is barely stronger than the Alliance's A-Wing.

The V-36 is powered by a Canine Fission Industries J-478 ion fission reactor. It powers all system including life support, weapons and shields, sensors, and other important systems. It is equipped with a power distribution system; much like that used on the Alliance fighters. This system allows the pilot to divert needed power to any dead or dying systems.

It gets its forward thrust from two wing-mounted Lupus F-82 Fusion Engines. This makes it faster that the Alliance Y- and B-Wings, but slower than the X- and A-Wings; and also slower than the Empire's TIE's (except for the sluggish TIE Bomber). It may be relatively fast but it lacks a hyperdrive, and must be either flown into combat or launched from a carrier ship.

After the newer V-40 and V-45's were produced, the V-36 found itself nearly obsolete. Except for its weapons payload, it is outclassed by both of the newer ships. It specializes in attacking convoys, ground attack missions, engaging capital ships, and is a moderate dogfighter. When deployed in groups of up to six, it can decimate Imperial freighter convoys with little or no escort. If safely out of range, but within proton torpedo range (6 kilometers), it can deploy quickly and then retreat before Imperial fighters can counterattack.

During the Battle of Canis; when the Empire attacked, there were approximately 78 V-36's in the Royal Canis Navy. Over 35 were destroyed; even though they were escorted by the V-40's, but they were responsible for the destruction of the Imperial Star Destroyer's Riven and Night Hawk. The V-45's acted as support ships as well as escort fighters and aided the V-36's in the destruction of two other Star Destroyers, causing the Empire to regroup and retreat. Most fighter kills were achieved by the V-40's.

After Canis joined the Rebel Alliance, the V-36 was not widely used. The Alliance Y-Wing or B-Wing could easily perform the same tasks but in almost twice the time it would take the V-36. Some V-36's have been stripped of most of the warhead magazine space and outfitted with a normal deflector shield generator and more laser or ion cannons, resulting in a faster, better armed craft. One such craft; the Star Howler, flown by Lieutenant Balto, was traded in for the Alliance A-Wing. The ship had marked a few kills but was soon sent back to Canis where it served in the 77th Space Squadron and was eventually destroyed during the Cyber Wars that lasted seven years on Canis.

There are now 13 V-36's in the main Rebel fleet on as many as twelve cruisers; out of the original 33 sent to the Rebellion. Many have been destroyed due to newer Imperial ships or inexperienced pilots; mainly Rebels who want to trade speed and maneuverability for durability, weapons, and power.

Technical Specs For The Royal Canis Navy V-36 "Hybrid"

Vessel Type: V-36 Hybrid
Designer/Manufacturer: Royal Canis Navy Space Fleets
Combat Designation: Fighter/Bomber
Crew: One pilot
Power System: Canine Fission Industries J-478 Ion Fission Reactor
Propulsion System: Two Lupus F-82 Fusion Engines (Rated at 270 KTU)
Flight Control System: Subpro NJ-4 Flight Control Avionics package
Maneuverability Rating: 77 DPF
Navigation: Sien Corp. DLL-Y43 Navicomputer
Hyperdrive: None
Sensor Systems: LR/SR Phased Tachyon Detection Array (PX-3z)
Targeting Computer: Sien Corp. 37-FD Laser/Projectile Target Lead Tracking Computer Weapons: Two Canis Weapons Corps 1X3 Laser Cannons, Two CWC BS9 Medium Ion Cannons, Two Krupx MG9 Proton Torpedo Launchers (12 torpedoes each; can be modified to carry 32 concussion missiles: 16 missiles each, or other projectiles)
Defenses: Forward/Rear/Side Projecting Canis Navy Corporation RFG Deflector Shield Generators; approx. 4, located at four radial locations (rated at 45 SBD; 180 SBD Total)
Steel Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)

Royal Canis Navy