The V-45 was the most successful fighter ever made by the Royal Canis Navy. The first prototypes of the V-45 were not very promising. It would take a miracle to save the design and bring the fighter to what it is today. That miracle came in the form of a cocky young Canine engineer named Fourah Rufus. Rufus redesigned the fuselage and added a pair of forward stabilizers to solve the problem of the V-45's tendency to spin in flight, due to its pair of powerful Lupus F-116 fusion engines. The stabilizers also gave the RCN strategists another platform with which to mount weapons. When completed, the first functioning V-45 made its maiden flight just months before the Empire discovered Canis. Rufus also reintroduced the power distribution system back into the `V' series; the previous fighter lacked the PDS. This PDS was capable of boosting the engines but could not recharge the shields, " Not that these highly powerful shields would need to be recharged during combat!" quoted one very over-optimistic weapon's engineer.

By that time, Rufus and his team of twenty-three engineers, pilots, and weapon designers had been busy making the "Wolf Wing" combat ready. The "Wolf Wing" comes equipped with eight laser cannons; one mounted in the nose, one on each of the forward stabilizers, one on each wing, and a pair of more powerful cannons on the belly of the ship. The eighth cannon is a missile tracking battery that has been successful at targeting projectiles with 80% accuracy. The cannon can be linked with the other seven or even remotely controlled by the pilot. When linked, these weapons bring to bear more firepower than any of the Empire's fighters, including ships like the TIE Defender or Assault Gunboat. One pilot; Captain Steele of the 34th Canis Navy Space Squadron, commented that the forward laser cannons were more successful against enemy starfighters, and the others (on the wings) were better used on larger capital ships. The more powerful `belly' guns can be used successfully against both.

Due to the Canine's obsession with ground attack superiority, Rufus agreed to arm the "Wolf Wing" with a pair of Dumbfire Rocket Launchers. These projectiles have no tracking capabilities but are devastating against ground targets. They are also useful against large capital ships and can also be used against fighters but with limited success.

For long range interception, the V-45 is equipped with two missile launchers. When equipped with Advanced Concussion Missiles the "Wolf Wing" can use its improved targeting computer to lock onto fighters from as far as four kilometers away; well out of range of normal Imperial homing projectiles other than Diamond Boron Missiles and those fired from the Emperor's Galaxy Gun.

If these are not what the specific mission may require, the V-45 comes equipped with three weapon's hardpoints. These may be retrofitted with a variety of weapons; the most common are (for each hardpoint): two proton bombs, two heavy or turbocharged laser cannons, and a pair of double repeating blasters (for strafing enemy troops or lightly armoured ground assault vehicles). The hardpoints are also set up to carry one tactical nuclear missile each. This setup was used only once during a battle with Imperial forces near Canis. A flight of three V-45's intercepted two Star Destroyers and delivered their payload. Two of the fighters were destroyed by the blast, the other received heavy damage and was destroyed by TIE Fighters soon after. The targeting system is currently being upgraded to allow longer range for the nukes but it is doubtful that the Canines will continue the project. The most uncommon piece of equipment that had ever been mounted on a V-45 was a tractor beam projector.

The "Wolf Wing" is protected from enemy fire by the infamous V-45 Super Shield. A project abandoned by the Empire after the Alliance destroyed both prototypes, the Canines seem to have successfully recreated the technology. The only downside of the V-45 Super Shield is that once it has dropped in power below 40% it becomes considerably weaker, and more susceptible to damage. Unfortunately, the V-45 has a weak hull, and once the shield is gone it only takes a few hits to destroy it.

The V-45 gets its power from a Canine Fission Industries J-664 Ion Fission reactor, not much different from the Alliance Y-Wing's Fission core. The system powers everything from life support to weapons to communications.

When the Empire attacked, the Canines were able to fight back. A total of four Imperial-Class Star Destroyers, 256 TIE's, and over 3000 ground troops were accounted for by the time the fighting had ceased. The Empire retreated and has so far lost interest in Canis.

With the lives of their people hanging in the balance, the Alpha Pair decided to join the Rebel Alliance in its fight against the Empire. The sooner the Empire was no longer a threat the better. After three months of negotiations an agreement was reached and the first wave of Canine ships joined the main Rebel fleet.

Approximately seventy-six V-45 "Wolf Wing" fighters are currently in service in over twenty Rebel and Canine vessels. The Rebel squadrons include Blue Squadron; led by Captain Steele himself, based on board the Rebel Alliance Flagship; the Calamari Cruiser Independence, as well as others that have kept their titles such as the 33rd, 45th, and 68th Space Squadrons.

Other variations include the V-45b, V-45c, and the earlier models such as the V-26, V-34, and the widely used V-40 "Foxx".

Technical Specs for the Royal Canis Navy V-45 "Wolf Wing"

Vessel Type: V-45 Wolf Wing
Designer/Manufacturer: Royal Canis Navy Space Fleets
Combat Designation: Heavy Assault Fighter/Interceptor
Crew: One pilot
Power System: Canine Fission Industries J-664 Ion Fission Reactor
Propulsion System: Two Lupus F-116 Fusion Engines (Rated at 380 KTU)
Flight Control System: Subpro NH-5 Flight Control Avionics package
Maneuverability Rating: 85 DPF
Navigation: Rufus Corp. DLL-J63 Navicomputer
Hyperdrive: Lupus HT-466 Motivator Drive Unit
Sensor Systems: LR/SR Phased Tachyon Detection Array (PX-9v)
Targeting Computer: Rufus Corp. 664-FBH Advanced Laser/Projectile Target Lead Tracking Computer
Weapons: Five Canis Weapons Corps 1X3 Laser Cannons, Two CWC 2X5 Laser Cannons, One CWC Prototype Missile Tracking Laser Cannon, Two Dymek HM-9 Concussion Missile Launchers (ten missiles each), Two CWC B-1X7 Dumbfire Missile Launchers (six missiles each) Defenses: Forward/Rear Projecting Canis Navy Corporation V-45 Super Shield (rated at 300 SBD), One CWC Prototype Missile Tracking Laser Cannon
Byzanium/Steel Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)

Royal Canis Navy