We all like to know we're "on top" of
things, but how many of you really desire to rule the World?
turn up the volume and close your eyes
WebSite - [ wh`eb-sight ]
- something that's so big you will have taken a few hundred
thousand bites by the time you're done but regardless of how hard you tried
you would never have been able to put your hands on.
- a psycological illness where the afflicted believe they
are accomplishing great feats of abstract design and exhibiting large amounts
of creativety, when in fact they are carefully preparing themselves for
end-of-semester failure.
- a device of an evil nature that comsumes large amounts of its
owner's time as well as inhibits their ability to think about something
- similar to a book in that it contains a potentially limitless
amount of pages.
- quite unlike a book in that its pages are always unbound,
it has no cover, its pages are not arranged in any particular order nor
need they be referenced in any particular order to make sense and is absolutely
useless as far as hitting stupid people is concenred.
(c) 1998 lindsay rudder