Let my soul connect with
You, to become a moon
rising in the deep blue
sky swallowed by a blanket
of diamonds.
Will you reach for me?
I want to feel your embrace
until it ravishes me from
Yes, reach for me
so I am able to climb
Mt. Everest and Mt. Killemanjaro
all in the same day.
Reach for Me
Beckon my soul to be enchanted
by Your song so I will rise
and dance with the wind.
I want you to Reach for me
with strong yet gentle grip
that will carry me through
vicious storms and dark sojourns
without any fear of being left
behind without your presence.
Reach for me as I reach for
you with my open heart that
homes laughter, a kindred
spirit, a soul embraced by
deep thoughts, and a place
for you to call home.
Love, Reach for me, and make
my heart Your Home.