Whole Lotta Peppas

By Neil Hale, May 1999

A 48 count, 2 wall, intermediate level line dance. Music: "The Cup of Life" (Spanglish Radio Edit)

by Ricky Martin from the "Ricky Martin" CD, Columbia CK69891. Note: There are 3 different

cuts of this song on 3 different Ricky Martin CDs. "The Cup of Life" (Remix-English Radio Edit)

from the "Viva!" CD, Sony A31059, will also work. "La Copa de la Vida" (The Cup of Life) from

the "Vuelve" CD has a 2 beat tag that beginning level dancers have a difficult time dancing

through. Country/Western alternative song: "Melbourne Mambo" by the Mavericks, from

"Trampoline." Styling for "Whole Lotta Peppas" is definitely Latin with "mucha" hip action.

Left step side, Together, Triple step forward, Right step side, Together, Triple step forward:

1-2 Left step side left, Right step next to left

3&4 Left small step forward, Right step next to left, Left small step forward

5-6 Right step side right, Left step next to right

7&8 Right small step forward, Left step next to right, Right small step forward

Rock, Return, Triple step in place into 1/2 turn, Step, 1/2 pivot, Forward coaster:

1-2 Left rock forward, Return weight to right

3&4 Left step back into 1/4 turn left, Right close next to left, Left step side into 1/4 turn left

5-6 Right step forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left

7&8 Right small step forward, Left close next to right, Right small step back

Left slide, Right slide, Triple step, Right slide, Left slide, Reverse coaster:

1-2 Left slide back past right, Right slide back past left

3&4 Left small step back past right, Right step next to left, Left small step back

5-6 Right slide back past left, Left slide back past right

7&8 Right small step back past left, Left step next to right, Right small step forward

Rock, Return, Step, Step, Step, Rock, Return, Step, 1/2 pivot, Step:

&1-2 Left rock side left, Return weight to right, Left step directly in front of right

3-4 Right step directly in front of left, Left step directly in front of right

&5-6 Right rock side right, Return weight to left, Right step forward

7-8 Pivot 1/2 turn left, Right step next to left

Rock, Return, Cross-step, Side 1/4 turn, Back 1/2 turn, Step, 1/2 pivot, Triple step:

&1-2 Left rock side left, Return weight to right, Left cross-step over right

3-4 Right step side right into 1/4 turn left, Left step back into 1/2 turn left

5-6 Right step forward, Pivot 1/2 turn left

7&8 Right small step forward, Left close next to right, Right small step forward

Step, 1/2 pivot, Triple in place into 3/4 turn, Rock, Return, Triple in place:

1-2 Left step forward, Pivot 1/2 turn right

3&4 Left step forward into 1/4 turn right, Right step into 1/4 turn right, Left step into 1/4 turn right

5-6 Right rock back, Return weight to left

7&8 Right step next to left, Left step in place, Right step in place