Lindsay's side of the
Tom and I met in my local bar in Mississauga, called "Dicks". It was a Wednesday night and the girls usually went out on for ladies night. Tom (as you know) is very tall and when I walked into the bar, I couldn't help but notice him. Well later that night, we actually did get talking by chance and things just went along from there. Tom was leaving Canada not a week after I had met him, so we only had a few dates together before he flew back to Scotland. We stayed in contact through email and I went to visit him at Christmas of 1997. We did a lot of flying back and forth and in September of 1998 I moved over here to work for a year. I ended up doing my teacher training and I am now teaching Primary 3. Missing home of course, but never the less enjoying it in Bonny Scotland! Tom's side of the story is... I was working in Canada for 3 months and would frequent Dicks on a Wednesday night with some guys from work. We always had a good time at Dicks on that night as it was ladies night - the girls got in for nothing (cheap skates!-only joking). We got along really well from that night and look at us now!