Pharmer DA`_GAME
BDAY: April 20
LOCATION: St.Mary's (Sydney), Australia
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOMEPAGE: GiE's dedication page to me!!
SHOUT OUTS: First & foremost, my thanks to God, for this unbelievable life He has given to me, & in largely for allowing me to meet da woman of my dreams, Gie....I LOVE YOU BABYYYYYY!!!!.....& to all U PHAT A$$ PHARMERS.....KEEP DA PHATNESS!! ChEcK Yo SeLvEs!!
Jk & GiE 4 EvA bEeYatCh!!!!!
NICK: BaByGiE, AmOrE`, LiL`GiE, oOoGiEoOo, ^GiENiE^
BDAY: May 18
LOCATION: Plumpton (Sydney), Australia
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOMEPAGE: http://www.fortunecity.com/rivendell/sakura/605
SHOUT OUTS: BiG upS n WaSsuPs 2 mY NeT freNDz from #filo and #pHat.. kEeP iT cOmiN`! 2 MaH baBy JK...I WUV U & IYQ! YoU dA maN n U kNOe iT! GiMMe tHEm TicKEts u PuNk AsS!
"NuThIn' BuT dA GiE-ThaNg BabY..."
"ThErE's OnLy OnE LuV 4 Me, & DaT's J.K.D... 4EvEr HiM & mE..4eVeR 4 EterNiTy..I LuV U BaBeEee!!!!"
NAME: Anne
NICK: Flipina, Flipluvin, Twinkz
BDAY: January 26
LOCATION: Kogarah (Sydney), Australia
EMAIL: [email protected]
HOMEPAGE: http://www.members.tripod.com/twinkz
SHOUT OUTS:Hey there my phatfarmers... Thanks for making my #irc time
enjoyable and my life hell j/kz hehehehe... Nah, seriously though.. thanks for
being my friends and for all the advice u guys have given me.. I know i can be
so hard to put up with but u guys haven't banned me yet which i'm so thankful
for.. hehehe =) I had a good time at booty when most of u guys went... but it
was kinda embarrassment.. but still it was good.. u are a bunch of good lookin
Anywaise, Thank you again for everything... Never change your Phat selves..
take care and god bless... toOdLeS for now... (nOOdLes!!)