First things first, you've gotta peep
LoTTaS LoUnGe PiCs! Some of the finest men and women in the
United States can be seen in this mesmerizing photo album. If you don't
see your pic, but you know that it should be in the album, e-mail it to me
at [email protected], or
[email protected].
When the
talent scouts start contacting the LoUnGe to get to ya'll, remember who
put you on. A 25% cut for referral really ain't too much to ask, if you
think about it. *lol* Seriously....24.5%. That's my final offer.
Following the photo album, you've gotta check out the LoUnGe ArT GaLLeRy! Some of the most prominent (African American) artists are highlighted on this page. Some pictures scream at your very soul with hues so enriching, you feel a tingle in your spine, and can't help but smile. Others are a bit more subdued. Their calm and settle strokes remind you of love, friends, and family. While still others, allow the recall of the African Americans struggle. Whether you're new to the art experience, or have appreciated is very existence for years, there's bound to be something that catches the eye and appeals to your current mood. If you don't believe me, just take a gander.
Once you've examined my ArT GaLLeRy, you'll want to check out the collage
of LoUnGe FaVoRiTe LiNkS.
No doubt, this is not a complete list. However, I want to
give you jus a lil' taste of some of my interests.
For the hip-hop headz, ya'll should definitely swing through a couple
of the sites (especially this one).
If you aren't sure if you're a "head," allow me to define
the term for you the way I have interpreted its meaning.
A "head" is one who has fallen in love with hip-hop. This man or woman does not limit hip-hop to the present, but embraces the very foundation upon which it was created. A true head knows where it came from and understands where it is going. Many headz have digested hip-hop into their system. Hip-hop, in many respects, is who they are. They understand hip-hop to be a culture that encompasses rap, breakin', scratchin', and graffati art (aka taggin').Since I do consider myself to be a "head," I wanna say big ups to those of you layin' it down for the hip-hop culture and feelin' that positive vibe. You definitely have my support and respect! From now until the end of time, I implore you, please don't stop hittin' em wit da uncut, unadulterated, undefiled truth. The way I see it, for every utterance of negativity spread,
After scanning over my FaVoRiTeS, please take a moment or two to drop by the LoUnGe LiBrArY. I want to continously add to this section and hope that you will send me your articles, poetry, inspirational msgs, art, etc to put on display. Mail whatever you've got to [email protected]. If I do not display your work, I may have felt it disrespectful and I don't wish to offend anyone. Thanks for understanding. :-)
Finally, when you're finished chillin' in the LoUnGe, please hit me up and let me know what you think about my site. Let me know what you like, or suggest ways that I can improve. I'm open to receiving your feedback, so click on the graphic below and let me hear it. Also, feel free to sign my on-line guest book. Thanks!