My homepage!!! (aint that coolio?!?!.....times like that I realise how much addicted to the net I am!)
hello there.....*s*
This property was reserved by Tyron! Yeah..this is my property! But I'm willing to share it with my dear friends so you are more than welcome! Tyron74 on
Yeah!!!! This is my property!!!! But I'm willing to share it with my beloved friends!!!!!!! I'm 24 years old, from Cyprus. I got the idea of a web page from a dear english friend...and I decided to be her next door neighbour in fortunecity...I hope she and the other neighbours bare with me!(yup! A new girly girl in the block!!!)
Please do come in...make your self comfortable ....just like home!!!! ;o)
Me in da Louvre...(I'm so high in culture and intellectualism...duh!!!!)
So..welcome to my homepage..Well it's not the greatest homepage ever but..*s* I said my name is Tyron (not! It's my pathetic chat nickname!) and I live in Cyprus! Well ok..get that atlas out of your drawers and observe carefully the little spot situated on the east Mediterannean! End of Geography lesson for today! I'm 24 years old..and I'm an elementary school teacher (it's not my fault if any of you have traumatic school experiences!!! So be gentle!)......
My interests? Well..
*Basketball (being playing like crazy for 10 years...but a really bad twisted ankle
made me take up other sports..amm chatting for instance)
*Books/Maqazines/Films...(blah blah blah)
-Technorave music! (I have this weak point for club music!)
-Rock !!!! (yeah..don't wanna miss a thing from all that rock!!!)
*ammmm...the internet (I'm not an addict..I think)
The greek teacher near sein!! (I looooved Paris....)
Favourite Links
MY GUESTBOOK!;o) I would be really glad to hear from you so....feel free to express your selves..!!! (not that free! )