This is your opportunity to offer your hand, your heart, your time, to those people that offer so much for you. Today in 1998 we the people have forgotten the sacrifices that were made so that all Americans can live free from the trappings of war. We have forgotten about our POWs and MIAs of yesterdays wars. One person said to me just the other day, "The wars all happened yesterday, in another time, in another country, it is in the past, and it is not my responsibility." Here is what someone else said to me: "Sorry, my family have different feelings about POW/MIAs. We view them as acceptable casualties of war. From personal experience we ask no questions since WWII and let life move on. We all have served since 41, and I expect my children when they come will serve."
This is the mentality that runs rampant in todays society and it is so wrong that words have no meaning to this type of thinking. It is time to stand up and say "Yes this is my responsibility." Yesterdays leaders and followers did not take full responsibility for yesterday so today it is your turn to clean up the undone duties of the past.
About now you are probably setting there with your eye brows raised thinking, "what dose this have to do with me anyway?" Well let me put it this way so that there will be no misunderstanding: "Someone Died So That You Could Be Free To Live In America", Someone Was Lost In Combat So You Could Find Freedom In America, Someone Never Came Home From The Ravages Of War So You Could Have A Home Land In America. America the beautiful don't hide your face from the past!
Today it is your turn to stand up and be counted among those that have adopted an POW/MIA and forward that persons cause. Every POW/MIA had/has a family, each know what it was to be loved and to love. They had feelings, hopes, and dreams. They did not want to be forgotten, and they did not want to be left behind. Each POW/MIA had the same blood in their veins as you and me have in ours, and some of the blood that was spilled in Americas wars was your grandfathers, some of it was my grandfathers. Please take a moment to visit the links listed below and offer what was given to you "Freedom." Each POW/MIA needs a Crusader, a Ambassador, each one needs a Patriot. America the beautiful don't hide your face from the past!
Here are a few suggestions as to how you can get started on helping out an POW/MIA. Remember, the longest journey starts with one step. I suggest the following action as the first step then go and Forward the mission of your Adopted POW/MIA: |
Step One |
Adopt an POW/MIA through Operation Just Cause. Here are the links to get you started on our adpotion of an American Patriot.
Operation Just Cause (POW/MIA Adoption Form)
Operation Just Cause Switch Board
Or email George M. "Gunny" Fallon - [email protected]and tell him that you want to make a differance.
Join OCJ Webring
Join POW/MIA Webring
Step Two |
Prepare a personal email to the President, Vice-President, First Lady, their Congressperson, both senators from your state, Secretary Albright and Ambassador Peterson.
Make it brief.
Add a paragraph about what you know about or how you feel about the POW/MIA issue.
Add a paragraph about how he will responed to the POW/MIA issue.
Restate your question about your POW/MIA(s) adding: "I've told you what I already know. Please tell me something I don't know."
Request a response to your email.
Be polite, respectful, perhaps even marginally gratuitous, but above all be insistent. If you have fax capability, follow up with a FAX.
Make a personal call to your Congressional and Senate representatives.
Pres. and VP - [email protected]/ [email protected] http://www.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/html/principals.html/
Congressmen - http://www.rnc.org/post/house-email.html
Senators - http://www.rnc.org/post/senate-email.html
Email the First; [email protected]
Please write to Mrs. Gore and to White House staff by regular mail. The address is: The White House, Washington, D.C., 20501 (Mrs. Gore), 20502 (all WH Staff)
Step Three |
Dedicate a tree in your yard to your POW/MIA. Mark it with a Yellow Ribbon. Encourage your neighbors to do the same.
Call your local newspapers when you get it underway and ask them to come out and see the Yellow Ribbons on your block.
Call the local radio DJ and ask to dedicate "Yellow Ribbon" to your POW/MIA.
Ask your Legion, VFW, DAV, Marine Corps League, fraternity, Elks, Lions, Moose, Masons, Knights of Columbus to adopt an POW/MIA and support OpJustCause.
Ask local businesses to put Yellow Ribbons in their storefronts. Just keep pushing...
Operation Just Cause Switch Board.
Step Four |
Research the POW/MIA issues and the history of your adopted POW/MIA.
Information on POW/MIAs made available through the Patriotism and dedication of some fine and honorable Americans: Scope Systems - 76 Cranbrook Road. Suite #203. - Hunt Valley. MD, 21030 [http://www.scopesys.com]
Invaluable assistance provided by Chuck and Mary Schantag who maintain the most comprehensive database available on POW/MIAs at: http://www.asde.com/~pownet/
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