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Stop and Think for Yourself

How to prevent being killed by US doctors.

The U.S. Government claims and clearly documents that a quarter of a million Americans are needlessly killed by their doctors every year in the U.S. No wonder Mr. Gutterman could afford to live in our neighborhood, owning several funeral cash-wringers, oops, excuse me, bereavement facilities or whatever the current politically correct term is.

No superior flexing of observation is required to absorb the reasons why it is a rare case for a doctor to serve a patient's interest more than the doctor's interest. Rare doesn't mean 'never,' it does mean "very infrequently."

If you've noted the Hippocratic oath and the typical income of doctors in the past few decades, words are not necessary. As in every facet of every human life, words are subordinate to the reality of deed.

Please do not confuse intentional injuries such as doctors carving their initials on a patient's stomach during surgery, or some similar act of a twisted mind with doctors who earn huge sums doing invasive things to the human body that cause far more injury than benefit. Did you know that the last four times a surgeon amputated the wrong leg the surgeon was still paid, and paid plenty? Or that, tragically, doctors insisted that the other leg had to be cut off anyway?

Make no mistake: a knife slicing your body open is not unreasonably termed "invasive."

At least 240,000 of the 300,000 angioplasties done last year were completely unnecessary. How do we know this? That's easy: 240,000 of these surgery patients died before the year was up. Claiming that they would surely have died anyway only leads to an observation that the surgeon and his hospital and his anesthesiologist did not receive a mere thousand or two thousand dollars for that one-time effort; did they? They got PAID.

That a surgeon is allowed to keep up to a quarter million dollars of cash for a surgery that killed the patient is truly astonishing. Hopefully, time and public disgust will change this. That's a responsibility that you will either accept, or not. If we cannot sway you into speaking up, we can at least apply these same facts to your instant benefit of health and wealth

In this meantime, the smartest possible course is to avoid having to go to the doctor in the first place. However hard it is for you to accept it, fact is fact, numbers don't lie:

Outside of tramautic injuries and so-called accidents -- (in point of fact there IS no such thing as an accident; only the results of bad decisions, including not paying attention to what's happening around us) -- outside of the treatment of traumatic wounds involving blood loss or bloodless head injuries, doctors, statistically, and too empirically kill and hurt far, FAR more people than they benefit. Please do not confuse this as an opinion: doctors have been killing people since long before they believed in bleeding and purging, a practice which only ended after nearly two thousand years of being a basic part of a physician's purported 'healing' methods.

Yes, from an emotional point of view great arguments can follow about this committed doctor or that dedicated surgeon. Those of you who are reasonably well-read know the factual truth.

In 1999, 260,000 people died in U.S. hospitals JUST from being administered the wrong medications. Do you need to be told who hand-wrote all those prescriptions? Can your brain even understand what it means to lose 260,000 individual mothers, fathers, children, sisters, and other loved ones because of a wrong medication being administered?

Do you have sufficient faculty of visualization to see the coffins of 300,000 victims of unnecessary bypasses? We're not talking about the rare case here, friend; we refer to the governmentally-documented fact of several thousands of people killed every week by a scribbled, erroneously-read or improperly filled prescription medicine, several thouands of additional people killed in America every single week by invasive, unnecessary surgery.

The proof that it's unnecessary is that so many of them die within days, weeks, or months.

If you want to live longer, and better, you absolutely must take command of your medical care, instead of trusting a man or woman who's driving a Mercedes Benz and has stock options that your misery, or the pain of your child paid for.   For those who cry that doctors go to school for many years and should be generously compensated, we have a choice: we can agree that they should be well-paid, and see that they are, without them becoming millionaires off of other people's pain and misery, or we can say,

"Pfui!! If financial wealth is what you want, sell something for a living, or write great songs, or paint ten thousand houses: medicine used to be and once again needs to be reserved exclusively for those who wish to serve others more than they wish to serve their personal appetites."
Driving an $80,000 dollar car to impress your neighbors instead of an equally safe $10,000 car, while investing the other $70,000 saving the lives of starving people?

  Speaks for itself, doesn't it? (Don't neglect to include in such computations the additional insurance, vanity plates, and aggravation over scratched paint, or the cost of thousands of expensive cars being stolen every week).

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to see the immutable and eternally unchanging logic of this.

When you find foods that you really like, for example, that just HAPPEN to promote good health while simultaneously repairing some of the damage we do to our bodies, we are instantly killing three birds with one stone:
  1. Eating delicious foods, which is critical to the health of your soul, and your attitudes;

  2. Promoting good health, which brings a long list of benefits from better moods and better sex to increased productivity, higher incomes and liking yourself more;

  3. Repairing at least some of the damage we regularly commit to our health. Right now, you're breathing in tens of millions of free radicals each day, ugly scavengers that very literally eat your body and accelerates aging along with profoundly increasing the likelihood of heart disease, blood diseases, and more.   There are many tasty foods that address these issues directly, quickly, and to far greater benefit than vitamins or 'repair jobs' by your doctor.

Do you understand that red foods that come out of the ground, from watermelon or tomatoes to cantaloupe or carrots, instantaneously
  • increases the strength of your immune system,

  • effectively delays a great deal of what we call 'physical aging factors,'

  • AND

  • fights off cancer, AND promotes oxygenation and immediately healthier blood,

  • significantly higher brain function, and more?!!

All these benefits, and a dozen or more others, all from eating red foods. You think you're intelligent? Please, don't tell us; show us. What you do speaks so loudly you need not flap your gums at us. We already know who and what you are. You have proved it in these past 24 hours, and you're proving it in these current 24 hours, and you will add even more to the proof in the next 24 hours, and the next, won't you?

In fact, you ate just a few hours ago, and you'll be eating again in the next few hours. What are you going to eat? Far more importantly than what it shows the world, even more importantly than how your diet will end up impacting others, the simple fact is, your next meal will tell YOU plenty about yourself, where you're going, and how much time you probably have left in this world.

Yes, folks, science is that far advanced over previous centuries to the point that we can even estimate within a matter of months the date of your likely departure from this life based in no small measure upon what your very next meal is. We already know that you possess the gift of logic; what remains for us to see today is whether you possess the more critical gift of using that gift of logic.

In the long-running argument/debate/feud that has existed between those who subscribe to the Asklepian view (doctors, who try to fix things from the outside in), and Hygeans, who believe in strengthening the body's naturally present resources to successfully defeat any challenges to the body, there is a huge gap. Huge as in unbridgeable. Even as professors of medicine, such as our erstwhile Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop, or Dr. Andrew Weil, and so many other highly-qualified conventional practicioners, move us all closer to the Hygean approach, too many more argue on behalf of externally-produced chemical and pharmacologic approaches to disease.   They make more money. That should be the end of the story.

One would think that a close look at the two syllables that comprise the word disease would suffice to guide us all towards making better, healthier decisions. Sad to say, humans still seek that lazy way out, relying on what they believe to be the fast-fix of chemical intervention.

One of these days, the majority of people will understand just why a prescription is required for these chemical weapons used against disease and infection: in every single case, the drug is so dangerous it requires a doctor's signed order for its use. That's precisely what a prescription is. Without exception, every single prescription medicine has ancillary effects that are usually lethal or life-alteringly unpleasant. Whether it's antibiotics, which work specifically by attacking the immune system in order to make it work harder, or most of the topical treatments for skin disease, which have side effects like destroyed liver function, renal impairment, or a host of drugs that have spawned resistent strains of bacteria that no longer respond to conventional treatment or the drugs that were invented to kill them off, the human race is now facing it's second great wave of medical challenge: how to change over, or, rather, to change BACK to the naturopathic route to wholeness, which is the actual translation and meaning of the word "healing."

In every walk of our oldest civilizations, particularly the Oriental, natural and herbal approaches persistently and consistently outperform chemical approaches.

Look at the perfect example of cruciforms such as broccoli and cauliflower. Including these marvels of nature in your regular diet is irrefutably vital to fighting the onset of cancers and other oft-lethal assaulters of our natural wholeness. Fresh broccoli several times per week in your diet is of far, even exponentially, greater impact and benefit than a dozen fat daily vitamin pills. Increasing the number of deep, really deep breaths you take each day, and the amount of water that you drink, not only cures several dozen different maladies in and of themselves, but as well, serve to boost immune function observably, and measurably.

Did you know that anything and everything that is red which grows in the ground has a triple effect of being anti-carcenogic, immune-boosting, and anti-aging?

Eat these things regularly and feel for yourself what wonders they work when you are consistent about ingesting them.

Stop looking for the quick fixes of medicines, or even vitamins. Fresh fruits and vegetables, a gallon of water each day, and many, MANY more deep breaths of fresh air, even if it's relatively 'dirty' metropolitan air, all work individually AND corporately to provide you with a profoundly healthier physical environment in which to live, dream, and enjoy your turn on the carousel of life. Even better, this approach does not take years, or even months to yield significant effect; it's generally just a day or three before you begin feeling more energy, more vitality, more problem-solving ability, so you need not take anyone's word for it: just do it and see for yourself.

I realize you think this is great stuff, & applies to most people, but not you. What you do speaks so loudly I can’t hear a word you’re saying. You’re now entering the most powerful minute of your life.
What are you doing with it?

No need to say; actions speak loudest, yes?

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