Psychology of Shortcuts

Ruby's Rubies - Shortcuts of Masters and Millionaires

So, you're too old to change spots, ey?
Viola Krahn, at age 92, still winning diving championships.
George Bernard Shaw did not see his first play produced on Broadway until he was 94 years of age. A middle-aged cleaning woman you'd never miss found a copy of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.   Next thing you know, clubs, casino, and TV are paying big bucks for the comedy of Phyllis Diller.
A 70-yr old washed-up entertainer, long retired and "out to pasture," was rejected by over a dozen Hollywood agents when he decided to reenter comedy ten years after he'd retired!! One young agent gambled on him, and got 15% of nearly 12 million dollars earned by Jack Benny between the ages of 71 and 80.
Surely you remember that one fellow who entered a whole entire new career field in his 60's, and at the age of 74 was reelected President of the United States. Harlan Sanders never made a decent paycheck in his life until he opened his first Kentucky Fried Chicken at the age of 69. I could go on all day. Hilga Crooks climbed Mt. Everest, for the first time, at the age of 90, and has done it more than a half dozen times since!! When a lady three times my age can outclimb me, I don't think it's a physical difference, rather, a difference of asking better questions, which inevitably produces better decisions.  
The very word decision says so much. It's from the latin root that gives us cisor -- which means to cut -- as in incision
, which means to cut into.
As in recision, which means to cut back from.
As inexcision, which means to cut out.
As in Decision, which means to cut away from.
Decision: To cut away from any other possibility.
It is the difference between liking something, and wanting something. Everyone would like a Rolls Royce; only a few people want a Rolls Royce. Those who want a Rolls Royce do what they have to do, and guess what? They HAVE a Rolls Royce, or a souped-up Camaro or whatever it is that makes them grin from ear to ear..    

Whoever you are, whatever your station, finances, or other position in life, I can guarantee you, unconditionally, that this very minute is the single most powerful minute of your life. How you invest, spend, or waste this next minute will clearly tell us a great deal about the past year of your life.... and this next upcoming year of your life. I say this because of Ruby #5: The way I spend my minutes is a clear and irrefutable preview of how I am spending my life.It applies to me, and it applies to you. As you can see, I'm producing at this moment; I'm taking at least one step at this very minute towards my long-term goal of being a world-famous author. Can you afford to laugh at my dream, if I'm taking steps toward my dream, and you're not? As always, talk is cheap, becausewhat I do, and what you do, speaks so loudly that we need not say a word: our actions are speaking for us.
What I'd like to know right now is: what are you doing with this next minute of your life? Are you creating a stronger, clearer desire to go for whatever it is that you most desire in this life? If you really believe you can be successful, are you showing it TODAY?

You're asked to consider the case of a decent, possibly eccentric fellow who designed an airplane. The thing is, he designed it 'wrong'. His boss didn't know it, being involved in other things. When the design worked its way up the ladder, expert designers immediately saw that the plane was not capable of attaining, let alone sustaining flight.
Each new engineer said, "This plane will never get off the ground. "    Twelve consulting engineers uniformly agreed that the designer had goofed, big time.

Bureaucracy being what it is, plans to build the airplane actually continued. The designer of the plane believed in the plane he'd designed, and had invested years on the project, so he fought the good fight to get the plane built.     He won.
Good thing he took daily action; good thing this completely 'unflyable' plane got built, because one thing is certain: the 'unflyable' C-130 aircraft has flown more missions & saved far more lives than any other aircraft in history. Even today any student or expert in aeronautical design can look at the design and see that it is aerodynamically impossible for the plane to get off the ground. What makes it even funnier is that, according to the known laws of fight, it is perfectly impossible for a bumblebee to fly. How many of these so-called "impossibles" are still sitting inside of you?

Small daily steps yield HUGE results. George Bernard Shaw demonstrated his keen intellect when he reminded us of a truth that you can use personally, today, to make more and better things happen in your life, outside of external influences. He wrote that reasonable men adapt themselves to the world, whereas the unreasonable man adapts the world to himself... and therefore, all human progress relies exclusively upon the unreasonable man.   Stretch your vision of what's reasonable for you.

Some people think I'm being a bit harsh in stating that most of us on this planet should contribute to resource conservation by conveniently walking into the ocean. It's tough to refute the idea that 90% of us are losers, NOT because we have less, rather, because we DO have more... and we decide not to use it.   I'm sure you're not one of these people. You're living to your fullest potential, aren't you? I mean, YOU certainly don't flush your life down the drain in a day-by-day attempt to make it to the weekend, would you?
YOU'RE not the kind of person who watches TV two or three hours per day, are you? No, NO!! YOU are the kind of person who can state out loud exactly what it is that you want most, and YOU are the kind of person who is willing to describe your dream out loud (to yourself) & then write down just 20 ideas on how you would START to work towards making it happen, right? And, of course, you are living proof that this is the only day of your life in which you can show your excellence, right?

Whether you want to learn to juggle, or type fast, or get along better with your spouse or your kids/parents/co-workers/boss, etc.; or maybe you want to learn a new language, or a new career, or double your income in this next 12 months... No matter what it is that you want, I'm telling you, with an unconditional guarantee, that you can make 8 out of every 10 dreams come true or very close to true in 100 days or less.

Use the superpowerful shortcuts that are used by
every single top producer on this planet.  The only reason there are shortcuts? &nsp;Because the world's top producers took entire lifetimes developing them through trial and error. We already know that humans are capable of achieving anything that they can conceive. It's not what you're able to do; it's all about what you're willing to do, in the next 60 seconds and the next 24 hours. Use your power to act in this most important minute of your life.


What you know means little to any of us;  
what you DO with what you know fascinates us to the point of trying to be like you.

Use a piece of paper right now and list just five things you can do in the next weeks or months that would create an ideal life for you. Surely you have the brains to write five short answers on a piece of paper, don't you? Within seconds of the action, you'll see how productive a step you've just taken-- by quantifying your ideal life in five smaller, more manageable steps. Best of all, you can list your five pieces with utter confidence that, empirically speaking, this technique produces results that are better than what you're getting now.

  • You don't drive to the store without smaller steps getting there.
  • You can't get a glass of milk without smaller steps along the way.
  • You don't eat a serving of steak without cutting it into smaller pieces.

What could possibly induce you to think that your life's dream is really all that different from the travel, the milk, or the steak? Every task you complete from birth to death is the exclusive result of the steps or fractions that made it an accomplishment.Break one or more of YOUR life's dreams down -- - -- into five easy pieces.
The world's top producers in hundreds of different fields cannot all be wrong, with you right. If that were true, they'd be where you are, and you'd be where they are. They're not, you're not, so why are you waiting? Five smaller pieces on a paper in the next five minutes.    Have a - whoops -- MAKE it - a star-spangled day... ... with five easy pieces

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Dedicated as always to the effervescent Monsignor 'Bernie' Kellogg, who fed a plant.
Superlative credit to Oprah, role model for all of us: a master, a millionaress.
Credit to the failing 43-year old kindergarten teacher who lived to silently give away a whopping ninety million dollars because of his middle-aged beginning as a published author of lasting success, James Michener... Tales of the Pacific, Hawaii, Texas, and so many other great books.

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These are the finest, fastest success shortcuts of Masters & Millionaires.   Free for your life.
The Psychology of Shortcuts of Masters and millionaires