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Ode To A Friend


When I`am down, you`re always there for me...You are a true friend... When I`am blue, you`re always there for me...You are a true friend... When I need advice, you`re always there for me...You are a true friend... And when I just need a shoulder to cry on, you`re always there for me...You are a true friend...

You always seem to know exactly what to say when I have a problem that I can`t solve...You are a true friend... When I`am in trouble, you`re the first one to help...You are a true friend... And when I just need someone to talk to that will listen, you`re always there...You are a true friend...

Sometimes I wonder why you even bother to be around me, but you seem to care. Why I don`t know but you`re always there. Through good times and bad times you`ll stand by my side. You understand me, you believe in me, you know who I am, way deep down inside. You are truly a blessing to me, because you are my friend...This I cannot hide.

We both have other ones that we hold dear and call our friends, but there is something very special between us that doesn`t seem to ever end. You seem to be more like family to me rather than just a friend. You are a part of my life now, through thick and through thin, so once again I have to say thank you for being my friend...

Author: T Meadows

Have you got a special friend like this? Then please send this page to them...Then you can thank them to for being such a dear friend...You can send it by ICQ or E-mail...And if it comes back to you then you`ve truly got a friend...

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