The Delgado Orlic family

This page is a dedication to my family, a kind of family tree. It all started for me with the picture to the right. I think it would have to be the picture of the family as it stood back in 1974. From left to right: my dad, me (the little guy in the middle), my mom and my bro, Pedro.

The picture to the right is the famly as it stands today. From left to right: Pedro, Ale, ma, pa, me, and Mari. This picture was taken the Christmas of 1998


This picture was also taken during my graduation, Summer of 1995. From left to right: Sussy, Ivito, Nona, Ivo, Mari, me, Ale, Pa, Ma, Nono, y Pedro

This picture was taken the summer of 1995 right after my graduation. From left to right: me, Pedro, Pa, Ma, Ale y Mari

Family trip to Punat (Summer of 1997). From left to right: Dubraka, Maria, Tonitza, Ivito, Nona, Nono, Pa, Ma, me, Mari, Ale, ?, Ivo

My nonos in one of their many travels. Thank you for all the postcards!.


Pin-Pin, the master of the house

Pin-Pin and his side-kick, Dante

In the memory of Bronco, a really nice dog that lived a long and happy life