Left to right: Milhouse and Kramer, both waiting for that special something in their lives.......doggy biscuits Hi:
My name is Milhouse and Im one third of the Dirty Dan family. I have some special interests, Penthouse (shhhh), Doggy Biscuits, Female Hounds and Naps on the sofa, in the master bedroom, any place comfy. All you female hounds that wanna get in touch can email me at [email protected]. Don't be shy just give me a howl.

My name is Kramer and Im the second third of the Dirty Dan family. I have some special interests too, Motown, Fields and Streams, French Poodles and wide open fields. Im the president of the Love Your Pet Foundation. If you are interested you can contact me via email. [email protected]. All donations gladly accepted.
Hey its Milhouse here again, just thought I would let you take a peek at me doing my daily routine. Oh did I forget to tell you. Im the Advice Coloumist for the Doggy Herald. Okay heres a sample of what I have to deal with on a daily basis.

Dear Milhouse:
Im desperate for some sound doggy advice. My owner is debating about having me neutered. Now I know that this is part of the dogs life we hear so much about, but I must say I enjoy being a macho male and hate the thoughts of losing all that I hold dear to me.
Losing Nuts

Dear Losing Nuts:
What can I tell you. It is a dogs life and it will only hurt for a little while. As for the Macho part, dare I suggest you take up growling, it will fulfill some of your macho male requirements you seem to need.
Working with my Column
Kramer answering Dan's email Hey all you Babe's out there in AOL land, just letting you see the face behind [email protected] :).
My master is such a lazy kind of guy, he has me toiling away with his email while he flirts with all you fine ladies online. A lot of you are under the assumption he is the funny guy, but hey glance left and you will see the real guy behind the humour.
Just keep the mail coming, I love all you fine ladies. :) Also, I'm cheap.....a few doggy biscuits will go a long way with me

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