Sunday means many things to many different people. For some it is a holy day, in which you have to haul your ugly ass out of bed way to early in the morning, and sit on really uncomfortable furniture, while listening to some guy who feels he is in touch with god blab. For others it is the day before trudging off for another 5 days of mindless work, that is draining the life from them. But here in Calgary Sunday marks a very special event, the weekly phenomenon known as Amature Night at the French Maid mens club. ( For those who don't know the French Maid is a Strip joint).
Ordinary girls off the street who get paid nothing come in on that one night and live out a fantasy for all of them (don't lie girls I know all of you dream about it!) The only money they will make for this is the Loonies (dollar coins) the customers throw at their vagina (I hope I can say vagina??) Yes here in the real land of the free, the girls get totally nude then spread em wide open waiting for money. The number of guys, and some girls (don't ask me?) that go to check it out is staggering. Now that I've set the stage let me get to my point. While most strippers look fake, and way to fixed up, these girls are the exact opposite, now while you do get some real ugly girls up there, some of the girls just blow you away (hehe not literally.... well actually, nah I'll save that story for another time). Most of the girls are really aroused when they get up on stage and the one thing that goes through my mind in the midst of all the yelling and cheering is, "Do these girls go on stage for money, or personal pleasure?" Now before all you people scream "EXPLOITATION!" let me just tell you to (rhymes with Luck) off! There is nothing more beautiful than a woman's body (Fat wrinkly bodies excluded, cause they are kind of gross). And if these girls have the courage to go on a stage in the middle of a bar filled with strangers, and strip down completely naked, the more power to them. Cause they are truly brave, What would it be like to be up there and have nobody paying attention, or having people booing you? does that make you any less attractive than the girl who is getting all of the cheers, and all of the money? Maybe on the outside, but not on the inside, cause you've just been through a more humbling experience than most could ever dream of, and your head is still up. All of you girls amaze me! (though I'd never have sex with you, cause even I am guilty of supporting some stereotypes.) Come on you think there is such thing as a virgin stripper?
To all you girls who dance on amateur night, well you girls get a BIG thumbs up! (well bigger than a thumb!)