Neon NEEEON! hahah You're a kewl guy man! And don't worry about that little thing you were worried about, because we don't care, it's only age! Hurry up and fill out ur host app damnit! *laughs*! You're like a tortise or a snail!! Oh wellz... Cya later! NEEEEEEON BUDDDY!! When the hell are ya gonna get to johns and meeet me matey. I heard u are an awesome Athletics dude ay. Have to give ya a 100 race buddy! I wanna see u as a host real sooooooon budyyyy
Phoebe Hey Phoebe... Fuck I haven't seen you in AGES! Where've you GONE! *pouts* Phoebe sis, where the hell are u these days when i need someone to talk to . Come on dont be shy..we all know ur the queen of porn now..
Gooster I have no idea who you are! ROFL Keep those Questions coming into My inbox!!! Oh and Just a few words gooster :


Gooza I have no idea who you are! ROFL Gooza Mate, ill get that TNL of urs one day!
Cragles I have no idea who you are! ROFL You Just dont talk enough man
Amy Hey Aims!! Happy 2 yr anniversary with Steve!! And congratulations on getting engaged!! I can't wait to see that ring of yours!! yaaay! :) So you're leaving Newy now huh?! :( That's too bad... We HAVE to meet up before hand - okay?! heheh Stay cool, and keep in contact!!! *hugs* MP and BB hi how are like to meet u
Simone Hey Simmy!!! How's it goin'! Who are you going out with NOW! *laughs* Sorry, tha't smean... Hope life's going your way now... *hugs*
Dave DAAAAAAAVEYYYY BBBBBOOOOOYYYY!!!! hahahah How are youuuuuu!!! Great I hope!! How's my soccer umpiring d00d!! heheheh Man you HAVE to tell me next time you're around my area - I really wanna watch you umpire or play or watever! Or jest meet ya! Love ur voice 'ay hahahha *hugs* keep in touch!
Jamie Jamie! How are things going?! It's been a long time since we really talked... I guess that's my fault. How's the little baby and her mummie! lol Hope they're doing well!!!!! Gimme some goss!! *hugs* How's uni and stuff?? Keep up the gr8 grades! hahah 
Duckie DUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!!!!!!!!! How are ya darlin'! hehehe Man I haven't seen you for SO long! Where the hell have you been?!! Been missing talking to you... Even if u pop on for 5 minutes just to catch it up it would be gr8!! Please do!! *hugS* Cya later! Id like to meet u as well....what time would u like to meet on the intergalatic stadard time code
Jessika Hey Jess!! If you get to this site, I'll authorise you on my ICQ!! *laughs* How's it going?! Hope you win a few games in TZ soon!! Good luck!! ANd take care of urself *hugs*  Ditto
Steller LUUUUUUUKE!!!!!!!!! *hugs*! How are ya!! I'm sorry I couldn't tell you which pic was the best - I liked them all!! Spunk I still reckon you need spikey hair though *luaghs*! That would just set it off!! *Giggle* Naw i"m oinly kiddin'! *hugs* Take care of urself.... 
Hugh HUGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Finally ur back in the net world!! hahah THanks for msging me... Man, you sound like your life has rocketed up to heaven!! *hugs* Geez... We HAVE to get together one time in the holidays...!! Gosh, I haven't seen you in about a year! What's been goin' on with ya!! hahah I miss ya heaps... *hugs* Thanks for being there...! I'll always call you a best friend.  Hi Hugh i dont really know you...Thanks for passing over the best Chick in the world lol. would like to meet u soime time