There are so many outlooks on good and bad. Who cares anymore. I mean sure there are things that are wrong or socially unacceptable, and there are things that are acceptable, but who makes up the rules? A lot of it depends on what you believe, or what your personal morals are...for example if you are a Christian more than likely you are going to base things on the Bible, on the other hand if you aren't a Christian you make up your own morals. It's strange! I've been reading this book where this guy doesn't think anything is wrong with killing someone--he merely sees it as a rebirth.
As for me and my ideas on good and bad...well, personally I was raised in a Christian home. I do base a large amount of what I think is right and wrong on the morals of the Bible.
...Now the trick to my outlook is that, I'm not the normal person when it comes to looking at the Bible. I believe it is 100% accurate, yes, but I do not translate certain passages the same way other "Christians"--if we must use the term--do. I mean think about it, the Bible was written a long time ago, and the letters that Paul wrote for instance, were particullary for those people at that time. However, I do believe that what the letters say have a big impact on our lives. It lays out a map...
The map shous us two separate paths, that are also interlinked. One path is one that the Bible calls sin, the other is the one that is called the "good" path--for lack of a better word. Sin is God's way of saying, "Hey, if you follow paths called sin, you'll only get hurt, sure you can go that way, but look at this path." Then he shows us the "good" path, He says, "sure you'll miss out on a few 'popular' activities, but in the end you'll end up less hurt, and scarred." That's how I percieve things. Oh, and as of forgiveness, that is God's way of saying ok, I'll forget that you ignored my warning and I'll put you on the "good" path to start over again. The only thing I'm not sure of, is how many times does God give us this "free pass". If I was Him I would be sick and tired of forgiving people, and would probably say, "hell, with it, you should have learned your lesson--go to hell." But I guess He's not like that--lucky for us!

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