First the report... then the pictures... hang in there!
In spite of Easter weekend, ten friends made it to the luncheon on Saturday, April 22, 2000. It was especially nice to meet Genell, who is a friend of Vista Gal and is from Rancho Bernardo, and CajunQJ (Doris), who came all the way from La Jolla.
We especially noticed the absence of RodWoods who is recovering from some medical problems. And we were especially JEALOUS of the absence of TonerKing and his lovely lady, RosalynG... they were off to Mexico having a grand time.
We always miss (and gossip about) those who can't attend... and we always have a good time with those who CAN.
Our regular meeting day is the 4th Saturday of each month, which seems to be the most convenient for the most people. The time has been changed to NOON because Live Oak Inn doesn't open until 11:30 and early people get them all bumfuzzled... LOLOL!!! Same place every month except as otherwise notified. E-mail me if you will be attending and/or if you need more info. I'll be reminding the people on my mailing list about a week before each luncheon.
Francis McIntosh (Mac)
CajunQJ (Doris)
Genell (That's not a screen name...)
LadyZinnia (Zinny)
Lotsa000 (Nancy)
Myimaqt (Flo)
RenoBarn (Barney)
and his lovely wife... PerkyCA (Joyce)
Vista Gal (Virginia)
It is always so sweet to see old friends, and to put faces together with
long-time and short-term online pals we have not met before. What a great
visit we had!
The following pictures are courtesy of Lotsa000 and her digital camera... and they are followed by more from LadyZinnia and then a link to even MORE from VistaGal. Be sure to visit Vista's site... she has lots of nice pics and other great stuff there.
All of these pictures have the captions ATTACHED to them, so they will stay with the photos if you want to right-click and download any of them to your computer.
I always put these photos up two or three to a page, so that I can leave them larger and still have them load quickly into your browser. Just keep using the "NEXT" button on each page to see more pictures.