Things to Remember
All right guys and dolls, its time for me to hop up on my pedestal and give my little speech about why I made this page and what I believe and what I'm about.
Here goes, hold on to your hats.
The fact that everyone who is not pure white and Christian are considered "bad", "different", "nasty", "sinners", "devil worshipers", and the list goes on bugs the crap out of me! I know I am not the only one that feels this way. I know not all people feel and act this way, but there is a very large number that do. Here is what I have to say to them: GROW UP! We are in the year 2001, and if you have yet to realize we are all the same no matter what race religion color  creed sex or sexual orientation then honey there is something very wrong with you!  We are all human, we are all united, open your eyes, heart, and mind and realize there is not one "group" that rules this world. We are all in this together, it's time you realize that. Stop teaching hate and violence and start teaching love and acceptance! let's help the next generation be better then we have proven to be. I'm sure this is going to raise some eyebrows, but I truly don't care. In the words of my wonderful boss:
"If you don't like the way my planet rotates, GET OFF!!"

With that said I would like to give you all the one thing that helps me make it through my days when they are so very stressful:

*Insert God/Goddess here* Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The Strength to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference.

I know I alone can't change the way everyone thinks, but in order to exist in my world and be who I am I have to do the best I can. I raise my kids to  know that everyone is a special and unique person because  of their differences, not that they are bad because of them. If more people did the same this would be a better world.

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