The all important money making part of life. As I said earlier both my husband and myself work from home, however that choice simply isn't for everyone. We love being at home while it drives some people nuts. Some people want to be at home, some don't. If you are not a work at home type of person, don't feel bad! Alot of people just can't do it. Do keep in mind though, you could always work from home part time, for single parents working 2 jobs this may be the best alternative. If you are a work from home type of person then have I got some links for you!
This is my personal choice for working from home. I have been in this business for 6 months now, always received my checks, and am now hiring others to work with me. Pay is $6-$11 per hour, 10 hours a week gets top pay, and pay is weekly. A nice income on it's own or as a supplement. Take a look.
This is a really cool site where you can post to a message board about your work from home experiences, what worked, what didn't, what you plan to try. You can also post your links in the free links section. Research the several WAH jobs listed there not only by the information given, but by the web sites listed. Noone giving you the "rose colored glasses" side of it, just gather your own information at your own pace.