Drugs Flag todayThis page has been Hitted Counter/cgi-HITS-`on times. It's=-
(America is' sas if`
environmental drugSci-F
(- Our cou
ntrie'- names are from drugs.)JUST PAY $17.75'sez and Legalize:"EAsY!!!

keepsake or "die.'"
wi -caN k[no\wDANCE`$-

-It's the Indians 50-Statesname's c hoi ce''s:`'``You should be dancin' yeh!'


Our country is named after drug- `terms certain!=-`itsellFs.(?

And no you have never heard of this before. I `even doubt you've ever suspected it.` Yet, People of who've you know[;') stopped it, who; the genøcide ¤ staff; `º¢ £knew but..¬ It was beginningly based of un-reported visitings between Native Americans and late(r) surviv(ors)ing CrØ Magnon. Why they were only interested. They killed anyone who remembered it before being prohibition; as in µ pre-

-w`W'[`m'Yeh--stutTeR s(`t)utter "`suffers" onLy-boom b ||-"`booB -"explosion-" Bang alLProhibiti¾n '`1 t(h)EN] , On (they which ones though?) "SAiD `o'de y" some `O etHe M`((ww'1'"on))'2-titani.C

w`W'`1 'Yeh.--`Yer old`uN's.. "~'Like the `oLD !2'(bring in|| -`side the

høse then move ¾ ut 1/'1''s) " one`-s . =(`sarcastically)"YET,"-

`WELL `as (if )an in "IN'-`neccessarYdrugs-termiNoLoGy.

You gotta go further back then all wars someone else to tell you that were drugs right?
Like the `oLD one`-s . =

-To connect still.!

This is Drugs, America.'

Our country is named after drug- `terms certain! -((a` New book I wrote-`out in ,`for also A Preview,''still in"= it; 'came from a but `much larger book,

SayaolsuckstosinEuRopYdrugsaolno2punchCasespraypotonsteveGO BACK ONE PAGE.

`-.=(And it'= entirely of a- Drugs-based language, the Country of America's named` to -base. Agreement. ..Now available from -`in based of "The Woods" tiTL`E-in it's preview- -(To connect still.) A


book);''ALsO..,- (BUT'for the preview 1st. yet to sell- of it:comMeRcially/,-2nd/The larger book, a science -fiction;` "so -//not yet available).,`is As bookstores;`but `for the-drugs from "The Woods" that, is; a long science fiction where 2030' we are punished for, what we did to the environment...- `That way;' when I sell the preview enough separate- there's a way if still "everyones home."

And No Book-WARS. After all if one person `just getting bookED was'nt enough! Don't hate plants, tree -oR `ME.

And if you think I'm selling the "Michaelsons" "Field"Guide To the 50 States Names. Try to remember tha' wouldn't ever dare to write it as "..To the 50 Statesnames" in a title;' and a dictionary will still be an annoyance to that-65 years again !

 Remember this was all controversial. `{WoRlD-WiDe]]`'"To `an ALWAYS establishably a drugs name for A PET-
country and then
not ever drop the `Su`cmpliconil-sc`o"LAiddend "Premise in Name`d-for" which a fake word THEN oNLY left perhAPS too-meant to drug exemplify then a(t) most a) "precedisive agreement"
o it `else(`wAre) -then `(suddenlY`||)droppable. `[(Lost if it were ( ` a ladden agreement-or lAd in or even
GET LAID as a national policy) from A N
orwAY`SGAs-z\Y_oSiEna-`LZ`A2'/ or RussiaNor''B''tubiL
A'siziboRBS as A country; `only then Norway and Russia][( America though is the-first to have one word for each of it's special DRUGS 'COUNTRIE"s ALLIances oR in -to AS Permanent DruGs meanings To founding!.- Except that as A Country we most have to leave because it still Native American only by ownerships!) But so/'Especially in 170l- to figuritively 0N'ratification "not chance Or "-change."" Or votable like "only a" border
within the actual
borders in the constitution. -As it's that Our 50 States names here and America's are title for drugs legaliza-tion in each meaning hid to, when define. But now safely redefined that as States are ratified. AlL-' Interestingly they are as hidden as permanent value --unimpeeded on as the States "Laws," pure `:in the constitution set (W)here, and even the Indians `knew they had to keep the other meanings discreet during the pre-ratification period. And TOO.-But somehow we ended all tricked "by it `WAs;" until it was too, 'left; THEN-unrefutable and=Unvotable on the re`issuance as drugs and country, chained as idealised (AS `'only" A drugs`-titles named accepted the States-named =and your-any``country ''only left" America' s) the only freedom Left then as peoples rights (an amusing concept "left" -but it's true now and though even "you saY not right, or get `moRe "your" rights). Since unspecified as `un"-important`ed then specificallY; ONLy "MY Copyright also protected ©

Don't beat `yer woman or Hilary Rodman Rodman Philips Churn(t)s,oes Carrie, O'Donnelhu(d)(E), Hodsen, Jacobo'se'n`(etc als'a') '' ''Clinton-pil()lips`ou)) r oes`GeR(``man, ((Morgue-Roe)sc)will  NM1o.suddenly wake'up , and / ''try you for domestic violence ! Whilt s'bmpoverleft is out ,th(wr)ough drugs ''in '' now only ''whether.. ' mqhether or nqot00 hi (l ) (la )ry, ''Larry(mon-riaca ri0)'' realizes
NOW, in`constitutionally mentioned.!`~

`HiDe`(s`\`'`ON -So `-later --for more formal bookshelves then though LEAD still in it -in secretives, the excerpt previEw `oN drug meanings of the Statesnames -included anyway:' )The Main-Book../- That this is Actually A good tale from-based in Native America `with that us in jails and institutions` - despite attempts to "fix" the environment, though `that we late on legalized drugs, made our children smarter by womb-injections ={that prediction is coming true now also} and gave every inch of North America back to the Indians!!--'On though-it was designed by me as the author "only" and OF-`the pull in of; Americas namesake freedom, THAT drugs;' too "amazingly," my writing comes with a built-in set of promotions, 'to aid sales, a certain movie; then` example-`'longer come of; ''after enough ''final sales of the mainbook. `-(So) It also has thE excerpt preview `<(for sale <now) `no refunds>> though, to aid in my self-publishing effort and American role as this big-book -author.

And To that '-also special American art originated by any title important as `also the American Flag's meaning too.. This preview `most-based where found of the mainbook contains the drugs meanings hidden ^YeARs as our States names for the understanding of our heritage `being most fully to then after the written constitution of the "United States."- Not just I got to write "The Woods" "`to hard sell" and someone later "not even me as--make" a movie to sell plastic toys "only afterwards" what(`-?No!!). True and the very fact that you may not still comprehend fully then what for sale../ typed here; `that I`\\- `Also may be worth more money, as I make enough money -money enough selling in "baby steps" in a production that would make -"any psychiatrist" nervous'- -[ if expected even that the States were named as such said for drugs relegalization and] - --guarantees; I COULD Then be renting coliseum -space - - - -Sell; TICKETS {here}-`and be apot listed `earmites special `Public` - book speaker! (In a `closed-roof civic center ,stadium" filled with the smell of poT..! "ONLY `-Then because if you understandor not the promotion level, each ticket bearer would `thus `H0W"-"['} -get a free-mass `printed book or` preview; "excerpt- version," besides-` not having to then understand the book available FROM here, into `only a pre-sale purchase understanding, or that promotion level's-technique;' etc., so you should've care "-"H0W"-"['}`no`W)

For that the States named for drugs that's the GREATEst.....!So which the greatest promotion?

-But `(in) the preview; for-` American druG-sale'S, for yes --and a drug 'yes to; is from,* 135 pages devoted to the noW- newly `re-shown ACKNOWLEDGMENT `oF THAT `(that)-our States names are of drug-terms `(named `for-and so')-/'designating(( (the` Stat(e*-s)-hoods(-then;'"))*`), for `the legalization of -*drugs,*` TO, '"'AMERICA." -Our country then named is after -`-drug terms. ` A'`'` -`book!?- `-Like in political terms - only no vote left allowed - `much in hidden drugs terminology `-EACH STATES NAMED FOR AMERICA's main term or drug meaning(s). A book (in fact `as -2 books.) .. From America about America's names sake as drugs founding, th AT AS To(O)- -lil`f(l'')ag the

States are named for drugs -and all about a huge-chapter of it THIS it's paid > 0'`'`for `>drug-Preview! -

I in this call, title "in||A," BooK, 'the.. of(`\ PReVieW-oF "(The W`oods" -' 'es) -/THEN-)/''-it's `the `"sale of -the en(title:'d(),`©- `"L'norap of the Nowrap, of the `|'THEN STATESBOOK.'"Go to my urls or go to |--|ElL

BUT America's; 'DRUGS STATES-BOOK, NOW for A cost of `onLy $17.75!!Rid thEo Lightsbands (revolution beams-show) developmen-s Yes, it what `called the States  `of //'`-ALL of -sum to drugs meanings, as all-of 'finally re-analyzed- as!'_ In the`-"`L'norap.!


.................................................................................................. ..............


The`-"`L'norap of the Nowrap, of the"\`|'THEN STATESBOOK.'" Yes,' you will =+be purchasing the preview for-` of the United States:'('names)-' of//'America's ,Constitution//- and> drugs` foundsive`~ agreement on my page! -(©;copyright 1996 from--"The Woods"`exact by author.)


The drugs yes Country issue closes"un-bossed" with,in reading the - constitution even again;afterward.`(s`)O

``Nation to[o]\|)` drugs also.-`?
` -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yes, it what `called the States  `of //'`-ALL of -sum to drugs meanings, as .all-of 'finally re-analyzed- as!'_

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `

i knoNow thAt's GoinG To BE something to DANCE To!.w i caN DANCE

=By the way I'm single, and however I'd like to live with more girls then one. In fact I want enough money to start helping poor people and by starting JOBS where an idiot could make an executive decision. I really know what I am doing! I'll use cars-and-recycling! Farming and computers. Renting and work then own your own everything if Country TOO AGAIN! !!

And it's from my honor now (the product of the dis-honorable states-hoods), so I get AlL the mone y It should be around a billion! ((You know $17.75 times 55 million pot smokers or whatever twist toda y, $976,666,6 6 6 approximately))