Little is known, even to us, as to the nature of this behemoth. He shares little to no information with anyone as to his past, and even less information as to his future intentions. What is known of him we will attempt to recount in the following:
Splint, an Elder Daemon. Ruler of the NEther Realms (Sometimes called Gehenna, sometimes referred to as Heaven or Hell) and one of the seven masters of Chaos. His endearing quality to the Clan is, quite simply, his ability to defend. Through his seemingly diplomatic nature, and in some cases his legions of the dead, he has spared the Clan much bloodshed through the years.
Splint has shown some skill in the areas of Telepathy, Daemonic Lore (naturally), and Elder Chaos Magiks and seems to combine the three with remarkable ease. Additionally his use of the Realms of the Dead for his own purposes poses a major challenge to any who would do him harm,
Again, at this time little is know
about his future intent. We are not even certain as to why he chooses
to remain a member of our Clan. There is speculation that there is
some "grander scheme" that he may be working on, but there is no way of
verifying this.
Chronical entry completed, archivist
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