Stop Hamsterchow Abuse! Help for Hooked Hamsters!
FREE THE HAMSTERS! The section is to liberate our furry friends from Hamster Prison. It has come to our attention that millions Hamsters are goin to Hamster Prison for possesion of illegal Hamster chow. This is quite distubing to us at it is now a plague of the suburbs! BEWARE OF ILLEGAL HAMSTER CHOW PRODUCTS! THEY ARE ADDICTIVE, and will lead to Hamster HEART FAILURE! Don't buy any Hamster chow from anyone, unless they are a licened dealer. The Picture on the left was taken after a Hamster Sting Operation. The HAMSTERCHOW was fortified with artificial Hamster Hormones, to facilitate growth. The unsuspecting Hamsters will eat this & become wound up like a top. Hopped up Hamsters, watch out & for Hamsterchow abuse!....More updates as they occur.
Hamsters Behind Bars
This is a message Board to assist victimized Hamsters behind bars. We will continue to fight for Hamster Rights, until every single Hamster is released from Hamster Prison. Have a Heart, HELP THE HAMSTERS!!! Send your Hamster email to us & we'll forward it to incarrcerated Hamsters world wide, for our early release program for Hamsters. We're not advocating complete freedom for Hamsters until they fully participate in our rehab. program, Help for Hooked Hamsters.
Hamsters on the Lamb
We stongly urge all incarcerated to be patient, as we are trying to facilate their early release to the Help for Hooked Hamsters relief fund. Please don't attempt escape from Hamster Prison! This will land you an additional 12 months in the Hamster Hole...Solitary for Hamsters! Face it guys....I know it's tough being a Hellraising Hamster at Heart! but an attempted escape will land you in a Hamster Hell Hole, AKA: Hamster solitary confinement. Instead, do your time gracefully, & hope for a Helpful Hamster lawyer. We are relentless & will not stop until we liberate every convicted hamster!


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