What is the right Direction?

About this interest

Anything that is happening for progress is interesting. One visble activity is happening in business corporations.Those which are aware and want to survive are doing radical things in their companies. Their leaders make special efforts in clarifying and communicating their intentions; and lead in putting interventions and initiatives to realize those intentions.

Such companies do the following:

  1. Listen to the Customers and put quality and customer satisfaction as a number one business priority.
  2. Educate and train the workforve and institute empowerment.
  3. Clarify corporate and values and exercise sharing of Vision among their people and partners.
  4. Flatten the organization and create self-directed teams and individuals.
  5. Make organizations "borderless and boundaryless".
  6. Invest so much on information and knowledge technologies,sharing information among the workforce and the customers.
  7. Invest on Quality Systems: ISO-9000 and 14000, making their companies specially environmental-friendly and responsible.
  8. Stategize for a holistic Quality-Productivity-Cost programs.
  9. In short, implement Total Quality Management (TQM) and Total Productive Maintenance(TPM). These are for constant maintenance and continuous creativities... to be better than the competitions and than their own past successes.

My interest is to monitor these companies,know what they are doing, and whether there are successes. I would start with what we are doing in Stanfilco and Dole Asia in which I am a co-ordinator... as the TQM Manager of Stanfilco and the coordinator of the Dole Asia University.

(JPM: update, Sept.12, 1999)


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