in Russian


in Russian

… Destiny as predetermination exists not. The destiny is an everyday and every second selection, and each subsequent selection depends on the previous one. The movement according to the unique variant continues until the following selection - and so always - method of diverging paths. The impossibility of returning, sampling and testing of all variants, transforms life into destiny "

Victor Firsov


Dear Sirs,

Our life demands dynamical and modern ways of solving the problematic situations. You have an opportunity to save your time at maximum, to save up the intellectual and physical forces, to be approved in your decision, to get to know beforehand the outcome of your actions.

We offer you for an active use an exclusive System "Ekton", system of analysis and forecasting in business, economics, politics and private life.

This System is not mathematical calculations or astrological suppositions. "Ekton" is an absolutely new system of analysis and forecasting.

In your life you constantly make a selection between the possible variants of actions. You want to avoid the incorrect solutions, to conquer a tomorrow's uncertainty. The problematic questions always arose and will arise not only for the people dealing with business, economics, and politics. These questions concern as well the chiefs of firms, managers, brokers, lawyers, humanitarians, and housewives - people engaging in any kind of activity.

With our System of analysis and forecasting “Ekton” you find out the only one right solution of present problems.



The address: The company “Ekton” Perm, 614010, Khasana St. 100.

Tel: 93-04-68 Tel/Fax: 40-56-13 Pager: the operator 66-87-81 № 123-320


[email protected]

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