UTU2 The Serco ultrasonic rail testing train was stabled at Bournemouth T&RSMD on April 25th 2003. The train arrived near midnight on thursday 24th and left the depot during the night of the 25th to carry out ultrasonic testing on the mainline to Weymouth. Class 31 diesel locomotives are rare visitors to this area. These photographs were taken in the train shed at Bournemouth Traincare Depot (BM T&RSMD) during my lunch break with kind permission.
Img 1: 31601 Bletchley Park 'station x' at Bournemouth T&RSMD.
Img 2: 31601 Bletchley Park 'station x' in railtrack livery.
Img 3: 31601 Bletchley Park 'station x' nameplate.
Img 4: coach 72630 and 31601. Ex Gatwick Mk 2s.
Img 5: coaches 72631 and 72630. Ex Gatwick Mk 2s.
Img 6: coaches 72631 and 62482.
Img 7: coach 62482. Chief engineers coach with ultrasonic test gear fitted, note small wheel in contact with rail between wheelsets.
Img 8: coach 62482.
Img 9: coach 62482.
Imgas 10 - 15: 31128 CHARYBDIS.
Img 16: coach 72666.
Img 17: coach 62482. ultrasonic test coach. This was originally a 4 Rep DMS that was based at Bournemouth.
Img 18: coach 62482, ultrasonic test coach. Note the pantograph well in the roof at the ex-driving cab end from an aborted project to make the vehicle into an overhead line equipment monitoring train. (Thanks to Mark Brinton for identifying this vehicles origins)
Img 19: coach 72631. This is an Ex-Gatwick Express coach that has been refurbished and given a new lease of life on the Serco test train.
Img 20: coach 72630. This is also a refurbished Ex-Gatwick Express coach
Img 21: diesel locomotive 31601 Bletchley Park 'station x'.
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