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Free Internet Services

Now you can get internet services for free! Some of these are quite good. Many provide free web sites, free POP and web e-mail accounts, web storage space for files and other great services as well! And some of them no longer put an annoying banner on your screen. Which one to use? Check all the websites below and try out the ones that provide you with the services that you need. At these prices you can't lose!

And believe it or not, there are even more free ISPS available that are not even listed here. I have deleted most of the regional ones and the ones that simply don't work right. For example you won't find Worldspy here because I have downloaded it twice and still couldn't get it to work. Also Bluelight has been deleted because they run a video ad that crashes my computer! That always makes me mad. Don't make Webmaster Frank mad! These two isps spend good money advertising too. Why not spend some of the advertising money on providing good service, that way they will get and keep many more customers! One ISP that I left here is Worldshare. When I last tried it, some time ago, it did seem to work okay, but I deleted the icon and have gone back to download the icon again and they will not let me in. If the people who ran this ISP were not really stupid, I would highly recommend them because their hearts seem to be in the right place, too bad their brains aren't. But I have found this to be true of do-gooders in general. The really evil people in this world seem to be the only ones who really know what they are doing.

If you need a good family oriented isp--one that filters out the naughty bits--try Free 'n' Safe. Some those services now work with Macs so if you have a Mac do check them out. Some of them, such as the 1stup braneded services provide service to Canada. Free XDSL and Broadband provide free DSL service but may not be available in your area yet. For other special needs click through the list, you will be surprised at what you find!

After having tried most of them, the two best seem to be Lycos powered by 1st up and FreeInternet. By the way, there are many other sites that provide 1st up which is a branded service but they usually require that you frequently click the top banner or they cut you off. Lycos does not do this as often as some of the others, that is why I use and recommend them. I have used and recommended other ISPs in the past but the best ones have gone out of business or their quality of service has changed. Providing a good quality of service does not seem to be a priority on the internet, especially for freebies.

One little trick that I have discovered is to try out different numbers. If your free isp provides several numbers for your area code, some of these numbers work better than others. For example, I live in Brooklyn, NY which has the same area code as Queens and Staten Island. I have found the Queens number works better than the Brooklyn numbers using Lycos.

The following is a list of many of the services now available. Look through these services if the ISPs I have recommended do not fill your needs.

  2. Alta Vista Free Access
  8. dotNow!
  11. FreeAtLast
  12. Free Lane: Excite
  13. Freeinternet
  15. freeXDSL
  20. Lycos
  21. MyFavoriteI
  22. NetTaxi
  23. NetZero
  28. Webland Internet
  31. Xoom / NBCi

Note: When you click the above links a new browser will open up with the desired website. To return to this site, just click the close button--the little "x"--on the browser's upper right hand corner.

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Eliminating Banners

Most of these services put banners on your screen or throw pop-ups at you. Often these can be eliminated by holding down ctrl and alt and pressing delete. A wizard pops up with a list of open windows and programs. You must highlight either the name of the service or the currently open window--you must experiment to find out which is best with each service--and then you click "end task." This will get you back to the desktop and you then click the IE symbol to get back the browser. Sometimes this method works, sometimes it freezes the computer, forcing you to reboot. You do this at your own risk, of course. But I have had success in doing this with both services I use, it seems to work especially well with iFreedom. Doing this also increases available bandwidth making the service run faster and smoother.

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Beware McAfee software. I recently purchased McAfee's Utility Suite and it messed up my computer to such an extent that I was forced to call McAfee's help line several times and they were less than helpful! I was finally forced to reformat my hard disk and restart windows. As a result I lost important data! Previous to that I had a problem with their antivirus software. McAfee definately needs to improve their software and their customer support! Until they do, I do not intend to purchase any more software from McAfee and will continue to warn off anyone thinking of doing so. If I'm lying let them sue me! Judge Judy, here comes Webmaster Frank!

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