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QUAD 77-10L Loudspeakers


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Quad 10L 2-way Loudpeaker




Quad has produced the 10L in response to the perennial dilemma for most Quad customers that ESL-63s are too large, too expensive or both.

We used the Quad ESL-63 as a reference and designed a loudspeaker which comes as close as possible, given the constraints of box loudspeaker technology. No box loudspeaker can hope to sound exactly like an ESL-63, but the 77-10Ls have very similar overall presentation and are free from the colourations that characterise most box loudspeakers.

The fascination and frustration of successful moving coil loudspeaker design is that it depends as much upon art as science.

This begs the question "What is a good loudspeaker?" The most popular loudspeakers are not the highest fidelity. The ear, like the palate, benefits from education and the majority of listeners prefer prawn cocktail loudspeakers in which the blandness of the basic ingredients is masked by brightly coloured and astringent sauce. Our view on what is a good loudspeaker is unequivocally one with low coloration and distortion and we think that the Quad ESL-63 is still the ultimate reference.

Good box loudspeakers are expensive to manufacture. Bigger magnets, extensive crossovers and less resonant cabinets consume materials. Drive units and crossovers need to be matched. The 10L is pair matched to within 1dB over a broad band, which is essential for good stereo.

The only way to judge a loudspeaker is to listen to it, preferably in a familiar environment. Specifications will not tell you how a loudspeaker will sound although you can be pretty sure that a loudspeaker that has an on-axis frequency response with great peaks and dips will sound awful.


Mick Evans 1999-2000

Last updated 11 July 2000
